Sunday, December 21, 2008
The Renderers - Monsters And Miasma Mediafire
... why you if you at night with the train home runs while reading a book, always chat up men? A book in his hand seems to magically attract idiots? Why not look for the one of the rigged Tussen, with cleavage down to the navel and mini skirt, which are by the time the move ... -_-
way, I realized that it is stupid to vergucken to-night at the suburban trains. I was invited by a friend and I have written to me that is 1:23 for the penultimate track. It was 1:43, so I then end up with a half hour at a train station somewhere in no man's land and I have sat was a little queasy. Not to say that I train on my connection then had to wait another 35 minutes. -_-So I only came home at 3:00, although I had worked all day and was just dead tired ... The next time I would sooner cancel the tents, even when the evening is so nice ...
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Effects On Someone With Dyslexia
For 15.
to this
plays very abges
Us is the political
For Befr
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Methylene Blue Discus Breeding
New Year demonstration for freedom and privacy, and against excessive government surveillance .
start: 31 December 2008 14:00 Hamburg / Mönckebergstr.
Working Group on Data Retention
http://www. data retention. de
information stands every Saturday from 11:00
clock at the main station (HH)
Sylvester demonstration for freedom and privacy
and against excessive state surveillance.
start: 31 December 2008 14:00 Hamburg / Mönckebergstr.
on 09.11.2007, Members of the CDU, CSU and SPD voting against the retention of the opposition finally adopted.
all providers of communication services (telephone, Internet, Email Provider etc.) must, without a specific suspicion, in future keep all traffic and location data of their users for at least six months for public access available. These include the assigned Internet addresses (IP), all mail contacts and the information when we have phoned whom from where. These data retention meets all innocent 80 million citizens in Germany, as criminals and terrorists can easily circumvent them. The high volumes of data and their storage burden on Internet service providers with high costs, which will lead to an increase in the cost of Internet access. The evaluation of the many law enforcement related data overload and its capacity is not fully responsible for the crime are available.
against the data retention is already sued by the AK-retention in the Constitutional Court. Many believe that data retention violates the Basic Law and human rights.
Nevertheless, our federal government has approved the data retention, against the obvious by many organizations had urged breaches of the law. Thus they imposed on telecommunications companies in Germany high costs, although it is foreseeable that the retention will be explained most likely unconstitutional.
for the storage of Internet addresses and email contacts, there was a transitional arrangement until the end of 2008. The sad result is therefore the full implementation of data retention at 01 Jan. 2009. grant
online searches
order the state secret access to stored data (contacts, correspondence, chat transcripts, visited web pages), state investigators over the Internet undetected spyware ("Federal Trojan" ) auf Firmen- und Privatrechner einschleusen.
Am 25.04.2007 wurde bekannt, dass solche verdeckten Online-Durchsuchungen bereits seit 2005 auf Anordnung Otto Schilys durchgeführt werden, obwohl sie vom Grundgesetz und der Strafprozessordnung nicht gedeckt sind. In der Großen Koalition wurde daher versucht, über das neue BKA-Gesetz eine gesetzliche Grundlage für Online-Durchsuchungen zu schaffen. Jede Datei auf allen Computern in Deutschland, und sei sie noch so geheim und privat, kann somit gelesen werden, ohne dass der Benutzer dies überhaupt bemerkt.
Der AK-Vorratsdatenspeicherung ist der Meinung, dass Daten die im geheimen beschafft werden, auch im geheimen manipuliert can be. In the Federal Trojan acquired data can subsequently determine whether or not an expert in everything these data as actually present on the target computers were.
We must not wait until the struggle for freedom is called treason
- Erich Kästner -
It is high time to interfere!
If so ALL the
demonstration for freedom and privacy, and against excessive state surveillance.
start: 31 December 2008 14:00
Hamburg / Mönckebergstr.
38 Tooth Sprocket Cad Model
13.12. In the victory celebrations on the championship from Brazilian club Santos, a police officer a fan accidentally shot in the head. The policeman was arrested, the fan died! RIP
When he strikes with a weapon on an unarmed and naked soccer fan, can dissolve a shot from his service weapon! As you can see, the death of football fans is pointless, he raises his arms to give to these are the last seconds of his life.
He is killed by mistake by the hand of a policeman!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Tobradex For Cold Sore
I will never never give someone the order of the Twilight series have to explain (and that Twilight the English title of "Bis (s) on the morning is * headdesk *). I have a feeling that I had done nothing else all day at work. (Like really the last weeks) I like the first book, I stand by. And I hate the last one because it is simply bad. But what is slow me completely refrain from writer and this book can be unbearable hype that is now held. Why does something always so degenerate? Eventually, they of what they once did only kill annoying ... -_-
The customers were either very sweet or very rude. (One of many variations: "Where do they have music books?" "Good day, we have the second floor" "And where there?" * * Unfriendly anschnautz; get a reply. turn around and leave without a "thank you and goodbye").
Only one customer was really tiring.
Points to the series of books by an author. "How is it, have you read that?"
Me: "No, I'm sorry. But I have read other series by the author of "He
." Yes, I've also read. Is because the "do * back on the series, which I did not just read
* Me:" just like the others? As I said, I have not read "
He lets me. five minutes away to work and then return.
"Maybe you can even recommend me something?"
Me: "Yes, like what they read like that?"
He points to another book: "That, you read that "
Me:" I have read some of it, "he
." And, they do not like "I
:" Yes, it just takes time to develop the book itself, so I first stopped, but I will definitely read "He
." Yes? I've read in a train. Then perhaps you can recommend me anything, you have apparently not the same taste as me, "
Me: * WTF ????*" That must now decide whether you want I recommend you something. "
He then lowered to allow themselves to recommend something that has my proposal (Carol Berg's Tor of transformation "), but not seen, but pretty much everything I have said critical comments in order to then come to the conclusion that I probably do not be the same way as he read fantasy of swishing and departed thence.
And Honestly, I am sure that with what he has said what he likes, the Carol Berg would have been perfect for him, if it had once condescended to listen to me .
The other lady in the morning was also great. Can I recommend books, and then pulls out a pad and pen to write down the title, only to "Look up at Amazon" home. Well let great to recommend in the book store and order from Amazon ... -_-
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Wedding Messages In Muslim
"After months of prevarication, sham maneuvers, dodges and loopholes I was even yet fallen into the trap. Landed in the gingerbread house of a Flemish Bluebeard, as the boys devoured me with skin and hair. And it looked like I had not asked for. Not even an Italian cyclist had used it so I took off me. A hairy guy with the weight of an elephant had enough already. Apparently I was not only from the other side, but also not very picky "
I, Adrian Mayfield
London in the late 19 Century. It is a time of upheaval. Full of anxieties and hopes. It is the time of Oscar Wilde, the dazzling dandyism and decadence.
seventeen years old Adrian Mayfield is apprenticed to a tailor. Although he does not particularly like this job, it guarantees him a good income and future prospects. One day, appeared on the eccentric artist Augustus Trops in sewing, can be manufactured to a suit. When Adrian makes Trops while taking measurements of an immoral request, the boy is at first outraged, but the business card of the artist takes it anyway. He can also only come to the model sitting on promises Trops him.
Adrian has really not before, the eccentric artist plump again to see again, but then he loses his job and suddenly seems Augustus Trops his life to be. Adrian enters a whole new world. He learns the art know and get access to Trops' friends, a round of poets and artists, among whom no less than Oscar Wilde and Aubrey Beardsley are. And discover something must eventually Adrian: He is attracted to men. Pleasure is the only one, love something different and Adrian soon realizes that the latter is above all a pretty difficult thing ...
"I, Adrian Mayfield" is one of the best children's books (actually the best books in general) that I have read in recent years. Not least because the Dutch author Floortje Zwingtmann easy to write great. Finally another author who can not only lined up fairly liquid grammatically correct sentences, but a small work of art makes them, where I enjoyed every line.
Adrian, the narrator of the story is just a normal boy. One who beats themselves, can break the obscene jokes and sometimes quite a rascal is. But a boy, the thoughtful moments, and obviously it is to grow up.
Adrian, the pitfalls of many areas of life experience only pain. How much is the dazzling world of the better-heeled Company Really Worth? How much can and should do for money and where it is the morality? And last but not least: how to cope with all the confusing emotions that provokes a blond fairy tale prince in one?
The book is both a sensitive story over the adult values, while incredibly entertaining and sometimes screamingly funny. Adrian tells his story with wit and vitality, so that the streets of London and the people populating it all come to life before your eyes.
Granted, the book has in the last third some lengths. I have inserted during reading, longer breaks, but whenever I put it back in my hand, I have read with enthusiasm.
There are also two sequels (one of which is already in the Netherlands last year issued) will be. I very much hope that Gerstenberg will translate these books. Otherwise, I feel obliged to learn Dutch ...
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Fortew Power Capsules
I watch straight (in pain) the (mediocre at best) synchronized first episode of "Blood Ties" on RTL, here comes the commercial break, as always initiated by one of these intelligent quiz questions with which they pull money out of stupid children. The only question would almost cut myself from the stool:
Question: What do you call vampires yet?
answer a) Drain
Answer b) vacuum
That was by far the most stupid (but fun) This quiz questions I've ever experienced.
Otherwise: I must give another round later in the English original, it hurts so, this synchro ...
Causes Of Leg Numbness
.. we were yesterday. Since We have been terrorized for two years with customer questions about the appearance date of the third "Eragon" band (up to 10 requests per day). Now it is finally time. The fantasy tomes piled up in our hallowed halls. And what is it? Nobody wants it. Understand the views of ... Probably get it next week, the questions go to band 4. Surely those who want just annoy ... * Hmph *
But enjoys Stephenie Meyer's teen vampire romance still growing in popularity. A colleague from another department, "Do you sell actually something other than" Twilight "? Every second question based on the book "And indeed, the whole day the teenage girls gathered outside our" Bis (s) "table and have to deal with each other". I've already read, and this and that .. outdo ". Yes, young people indicate with how many books they have read ... Who says the youth would not read more ...
find the topic of vampire romances I it amazing how many men read this extremely cheesy Vampirschonzetten by JR Ward, Lara Adrian. The books are of type "Hazardous (in the heart but somehow lonely), strong, potent vampire man meets (supposedly) intelligent, beautiful, rebellious people and woman finds in her the love of his life. " The rest of the book they are either in unbridled passion over each other, or he frees you from the clutches about the evil adversaries / s. The dangerous vampire men have the nefarious pirates and vikings muscular replaced in recent years, or actually everything remains the same, except that the stuff now read not only housewives, but rather all possible other classes of readers.
Except that I yesterday a maximum of fourteen-year-old boy asked for Lara Adrian's books, but then surprised me a little. On the other hand, the many candid scenes könnteh be a reason ... * G *
Friday, October 17, 2008
Council Gym London Gay Cruise
Most people now runs a chill down the spine at the thought of wearing a fur coat made from skins of 34 dead mink. But what about fur? The fluffy trim on her cardigan, the pompons on your hat, the fringes on your boots or even a gaming mouse to your cat could be made of sweet bunnies. These are all additional reasons to refrain entirely on fur!
rabbit fur is often cheaper than the skins of other animals such as fox or mink. Thus driving the industry forward fur trade in fur accessories and fur trim in order to win new customers for their bloody business.
See our research on rabbit fur. Speaker: Gillian Anderson
rabbit fur - not a waste product
in rabbits fur is often talk of the "politically-correct" Fur, as since it is here "is merely a waste product of the meat industry." But this is not so! are grown as well as many chicken breeds - either for a particularly high-yield egg, or a lot of meat - a distinction also in the rabbit breeding between their meat and fur production. Rex rabbits are bred and killed for the exception to strike out of their skins and profits flow in the breeding of rabbits Orylag over 60% in the economic benefit of the fur industry. achieved only by the white "rabbits", the meat of the highest commercial gain, the fur is sold at a loss for frippery.
rabbits - more than an accessory
Rabbits are highly social animals with their families in underground burrows (rabbit) live. You can jump faster than cats and people run faster than a deer. Rabbits love to Apfelstreuchen, hay and green vegetables to nibble on. They also need to wear out their constantly growing teeth. They communicate with their body language, for example, by tapping with their long hind legs on the ground to warn other rabbits of danger. They mark their territory like cats - they rub their chin on branches, rocks or on other peers. People who have adopted rabbits from the shelter to know how devoted, loyal and loving they deal with other rabbits and their human companions. Rabbits are sensitive, intelligent animals with an individual personality, just like dogs and cats that so many of us as family members. They enter into a lifelong relationship with other rabbits and humans, they play with toys and can even learn to use a litter box.
rabbit fur farms
The farms are similar to the battery farming of chickens - hundreds of tiny wire cages are lined up. While the white rabbits bred for their meat in the first place will be kept in groups, and Rex must Orylag from adolescence to sit in solitary confinement so that they can not damage each other's fur. Hogan has here the size of 60x40cm and a height of 30cm. As an illustration, this corresponds to a size of 2 shoe boxes. None of the rabbits, whether in groups or the White Rex and Orylag ever have the opportunity to go to their natural needs. They spend their short, sad life in stinking wire mesh cages where they dig or hopping, can still play. The cages have solid floor slabs or litter, but grated floors so that feces and urine can fall directly through it. Rabbits are naturally clean animals and very social. Through the insulation and the floor rising Kotgerüche and resulting Amoniakdämpfen animals to suffer further.
The slaughter methods are as cruel: They were breaking their necks or hit them a skull, before being hanged by the feet and they cut off his head. Many animals still floundering and are fully conscious while on an assembly line and hang get ripped open by an electronically operated knife necks.
China's economic miracle?
China has developed in recent years to the largest fur producer. Rabbits, foxes, minks and other animals are reared under the most terrible circumstances. There are no animal protection regulations or controls. The killing methods are gruesome, to save time and money, many animals are beaten and skinned alive. And as if that were not enough, there is also a thriving, cruel dog and cat fur industry in Asia, said fur is often misspelled as "rabbit fur" and it sold in Western markets. Although resigns 01.01.2009 an import and trade ban of dog and cat fur in the EU in force, but without expensive DNA tests, it is virtually impossible to determine which species is hidden behind the fur trim.
decide there are so many high quality alternatives to both rabbit fur and angora to be more compassionate fashion lovers and animal-friendly designers for it to spare, rabbits and other animals, and instead of synthetic materials such as Acrylics, brushed cotton and faux fur. Also, several large department stores such as Galeria Kaufhof, Karstadt Quelle KG including Germany's largest department store KaDeWe are already disembarked from the cruel fur business.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Ezsdei485 Viper Programming
Boycott Google!
continuation of surveillance societies. Google is spying through and through!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
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Certainly I would admit it publicly only under threat of torture, but here it makes us so nix:
Yes, I am an avid reader of a small exhilarating eco-sermons. It is a source of infinite joy to me. For they shall always full of humor, my center. While this is certainly not the primary intention of this wonderful conglomerate of seminar offerings, classified ads, and various kind of strange - for the politically correct vegetarian totally essential - food additives - but read for yourself what the inexperienced reader in October issue was presented:
This makes one thing clear: this ad texts are written off one by one from me - nothing added - nothing left out - that really is not necessary. The comments of my (female under constant chattering) brain are italics. So no one really on, really stupid idea, I will be the one that comes to this incredible
And now, fasten your seatbelts, we rely on the low spiritual flight.
Since I like to jump on the cover of the wonderful headline: "Close to nature his farmer" - and I am left wondering: "Is Bauer also in the absence of precisely those" is
Wonderful also Articles: "Spiral Dynamics for a strong back" - Until today I had assumed that spiral turns have a wide margin to the spinal health. But what do I know ....
No two pages later attracts me a snipe
"highlight of the bdr-treatment is the perforation of the upper skin layers of the epidermis (WTF ?!?!?). This is the permeability the skin increased (which was to be expected, right?) can thus applied drugs are optimally absorbed by the skin. A list of the ingredients out to be too far (and / or women Ehrenreich directly to jail). ... The following special pump massage leads to an intensive excretion of waste products (oops, I'm already in the non-youth outdoor part landed?)
But we leave Mrs. E. obscure their services and move us in the wonderful world of "Psychodontie" - and - no - that concept I've thought of not just .. That was someone (To show prejudice or other malicious * grins *) And this other man, only to prevent further prejudice
Here is a brief outline of the topic.
"The Psychodontie relationships uncovered between the tooth and forms messages on their psychological. "
Yes, sensational! I'm probably the champion Psychodontie.
me is the connection between black tooth stumps of the psychological message "I am 30 years single," has always been crystal clear. But good that someone has again provided with an attractive half-term.
In this grateful mood I want to finish my little excursion into the world of green Freakse. Not without Allen, who held out to here, yet the concept of "Sustainable living room harmonization" in their education. I know of to date, although only under the pseudonym of "divorce with a spouse's statement" - but now is well, call it all as he wants.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
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And I scream, cause each one of them there is a part of me.
And I rage, cause I'm locked inside that cage with them.
Cause I do not see a difference between the multitude of species. They feel pain I feel pain. They all just want to live. Just like me.
And when are we going to see, that there's no difference in suffering.
One species, were all the same.
Were all sentient beings.
When they bleed I bleed.
And when they scream I scream.
When they are abused they're doing it to me and you.
And if you want peace then we have to stop supporting.
And when are we going to see, that there's no difference in suffering.
One species, were all the same.
Were all sentient beings.
And how long are we going to go on, with the abuses?
Go vegan, cause the animals don't need your petty excuses.
Imagine if it was your baby that they were taken away.
Imagine if it was your life all your brothers and sisters intensely confined.
Could you imagine being boiled alive?
Could you imagine being slaughtered just for your hid?
Could you imagine being viewed just as a product and in the end being senselessly murdered?
And when are we going to see that there's no difference in suffering?
One species, were all the same.
Were all sentient beings.
And when are we going to see that there's no difference in suffering.
One species were all the same.
Were all trying to avoid pain.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
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... is the stupid arrogance of German journalists. Going from one genre does not understand, do you prefer down the same verbal, rather than rational order to deal with.
's comments mirror the nomination of "Stupid Story" and "Y Square Plus" for a German comic price:
"Gay? Bi? Or is hetero? Two nominees for the Best Manga National backfisch show exemplary young adult. The principle? If totally cute boys love each other, says the total adolescent girls'
later said in an article it then:
. "The Japanese comic genre called Shonen Ai is However, because a little further - here are heterosexual guys fall in love with boys, gay, bisexual and heterosexual confused. The target group are, however, no drooling older men, but young girls 14 to 18, which can anschmachten in the mostly smooth styled their stories just as sexually attractive and at the same time completely harmless dream guy "
source. Http:// / 0,1518,577536,00. html
I would not say that no truth is in these statements. But it turns nunmal again is only one aspect of the whole and is best suited for readers to build up prejudices. I think SPON anything just for the most serious of all magazines, but somehow would be a little more sophisticated approaches to, or perhaps a slightly more neutral kind of reporting have been desirable.
But before that probably seems to be a magazine to anyone. Friends of mine have started a charity for which they are involved very much a voluntary basis. A renowned German daily newspaper then has a small article written about it. What then came out here was an item with a cynical headline that implied that my friends that would do just to stand behind something good on your CV and have the contact address for any organization wanting. probably had a young journalist just a bad mood ...
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then bring with patience, humor and a 7-officially certified identification. Because otherwise it's how could I learn today, not really. In a country where deference to authority, Duckmäusertum and a meticulous observance of laws (whether you know them or know only believe) it were still part of the lived historical legacy include the simple act of elder-harvesting device to a province-Posse , is second to none.
The round woman of today is not this collective urge got rid of, she lives only year-to-date and socially responsible. Comes over me - as I said - always the onset of autumn the urge
My current foray took me into luxuriant elder Planatagen, which grew around innocently in the area. Knowledge
No. 1 this evening: Apparently the sight of a woman alone at the forest edge, which struck with a scissor box, quite a sensation in and around Sprockhövel.
For I must consider myself lucky, for at least 2 near-end collisions responsible to draw. The drivers were so blown away by my serpentine movements around the Hollerbusch that they had to lie down spontaneous braking. The following drivers did their enthusiasm over the sudden way Fahrtentschleunigung loud air and I could enrich my vocabulary is a wonderful concept. What exactly is a "Kackbratze", is still not clear to me. But probably this droll little creature holds in elderberry bushes on ...
But that's not all. For with a gentle purr of the engine local alls rolled in Daimler approach. This subspecies of homo bürocraticus "keep his bele its environment (e) lead and I was in this case suitable object of his small legal lecture on" The Looting of elderberry bushes - the pilfering of modern times ".
has certainly displease him that I have by no means given the wide-eyed astonished student. You can bring people from the wonderful concept if they are simply ignored and with the proceeds of what you are doing. When the tide ebbed
speech to an estimated 15 minutes, I took my now well-bucket filled with elderberry, wished him a nice day and got into my trusty green Oskar.
The sight of this elderly gentleman and goggle-eyed karpfenmündchen sinking, disappeared on the road in my rear view mirror sweetens me even now, unfortunately, plenty of hours later, the knäppliche juice yield. Whether elder berries that were so insulted just not that juicy? Here is the science research must continue - that's less dangerous. Black elderberries are at least as interresting as black holes. - And much more predictable.
For the common elderberry is quite limited in your behavioral repertoire - except the casual Dangeln the road are their other outbursts largely foreign.
Now a scarce liter elderberry juice spilling into the bottle and this raises the question: this is now elderberry liqueur, elderflower jelly, or it just stays as it is. Or I dye so that the other 5% clean my kitchen elder battered blue ... ?
Or I dedicate myself now stolen the apples? This fruit is me as a double-X-bearer even on purely Old Testament grounds closer ...
Or I get now as a modern woman but still a balancing act out of Old Testament juice to completely modern toxic red colored Jell-O, which are also touched yet to ???...
The jelly is the way for the well-known wonderfully decadent medieval society. Under "gnihilistischen" point is the Jell-O by the way just fine. Fighting men need solid food!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Reply * Interview Thank You Letter
Yesterday in the U.S. was the first episode of "True Blood", the serial implementation of Charlaine Harris' Sookie Stackhouse series. Who does not know the books: The series is set in the South and is about a waitress named Sookie Stackhouse, can read minds. What sounds like a blessing, is more of a curse, because they know this ability can hardly, especially when there is physical proximity. Then one day, the vampire appears to Bill in the cafe, working in the Sookie. It is the first vampire, whom she met (although the vampires have outed two years ago) and Sookie has to find that they miraculously, not the thoughts of vampires can read. Between her and Bill developed an affair and soon Sookie has to deal with even more supernatural.
on youtube there is now the first half of the pilot to see. But probably not the version that ran yesterday in the U.S., but a previous version of the still something was changed (an actress exchanged, changed some scenes, etc.). But most seem to have remained well after all.
So: From forth the action will progress within the framework of the book, but the whole atmosphere is completely different. I do not know how happy will be the fans of the books in the series. While the books are funny in the first place (the humor is sometimes silly to pain threshold), the series is wesenlich rough and coarse. Since you ever get to see half a minute vampire porn. Not that there was no sex in the books, but then ran it more in the romantic track. The humor part is smaller and far more biting than in Charlaine Harris.
The figures are different. Anna Paquin (who you look at the blond bleached hair very much, especially if they are from previous roles in "Jane Eyre" and "X-Men" knows) looks completely different than the Sookie in the books. Younger, leaner, less naive. I like them, just because I was never a big fan of the Sookie book, but there must come a lot more than what I saw.
Bill! Oh, Bill is kinda sexy. Therefore one must know: I could never liked the book Bill. Too smooth, too boring. Visually, it was in my head never very impressive. The Bill in the series makes a somewhat emaciated and dangerous impression, resulting in a not unattractive mixture.
The other characters are ok. Tara I found funny. It has just the silly customer always been at the head of what I also want to say sometimes. Since I already had to grin a lot. Taras actress but they have replaced. Let's see how the new Tara works Sun I really liked the old well.
very large class is the opening song. Fits very well with a vampire series set in the South. But I do just by listening to the Southern Handlungsort a real problem. This accent is for me to understand sometimes very difficult, especially if the people so extremely fast, or mixed languages, which was here very often. I would like to have subtitles * sigh *
hewn from the stool I was not the first episode. However, I was also not extremely disappointed. I continued to watch and wait for the things that comes up. Finally, I am also very excited about Eric, I have indeed seen the trailer already, but I really want to see him in action.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Disk Swimming Armbands
I finally read time and again that's what I use too. I had done as a reward after all the stress about 10 new books (unfortunately, most first volumes of series, so it will probably be a follow purchases). The first three I've read in the last days:
Ilona Andrews: Magic Bites (Series: Kate Daniels 1)
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Content: The story takes place in Atlanta, sometime in the future. But not mastered the technical progress of daily life. On the contrary, repeatedly breaking in upon the magic of the city and all the modern technology brings to a halt. In this rather dark world and frolic all sorts of dangerous creatures. Shapeshifter, necromancers, vampires, and much more sinister monster. Kate Daniels is a mercenary who takes it for money with this monster. But one day her mentor is killed Greg. Kate begins on your own research to make
opinion: class, a book that neither side has too much. The author does not keep long on explanations, it throws the reader right into the action and before you know it you are so tied up, that the book again until the page loaded if you have arrived on the last page. "Magic Bites" is sometimes dark, sometimes bloody and brutal. At the same time it also possesses a good sense of humor and the obligatory romance, but is not cheesy. Once you are in these days little more from the millions of vampire romance novels, it was strange to note that the vampires here gent for blood, Necromancer of controlled monsters. Somehow I needed that ...
addictive: high
Episode Purchase: already happened
Lynda Hilburn: The Vampire Shrink (Series: Kismet Knight 1)
Genre: vampire schmaltzy or housewife dreams
Content: The psychiatrist Kismet Knight turns up one day a girl who is dressed like a Goth and tells her that her parents had sent her to dissuade her Kismet, that she wants to be a vampire.
Kismet has experienced a lot, but people who believe in vampires, or even keep for yourself what that is new to her. Even when she met the outrageously handsome Devereux, she will not believe it. Until it is at the center of vampiric power struggles finds.
Comment: An absolute bad buy. I was not being scrutinized closely and was not aware that this would be one of those stupid romance novels. I liked only the combination psychologist / vampire and I was looking forward to some lively dialogue. But would could have guessed that Kismet had probably long no more sex and the sight of a handsome man is so busy, sheaves to be that intelligent conversations, because they to such at all capable, no time remains. And so it is again this "magical attraction blah" that can drown themselves mercilessly the erotic aspect of the story in a short time. And there are still other men who find Kismet very beautiful and make them think again about how long they had actually no more sex. Honestly, you would like to give this woman a vibrator, then maybe they would meet again in a position to the guys with a little more self-respect ... Menno! Similarly annoying
also believe that Kismet continuously refuses to believe in vampires. What was probably intended as Runnig Gag is ridiculously tiring and makes me rather doubt the sanity of the heroine. Because even after a vampire has moved out before her his fangs and bitten, she still always had all these funny guys with a personality disorder. Devereux that reads your thoughts, Kismet swallows for the first time. * Headdesk *
I have not finished the book, half of it to me then finally passed.
addictive: Chhhzzzzzz ... For people with sleep disorders, perhaps ...
Episode Purchase: but certainly not
Mariy V. Snyder: Poison Study (Series: Study Series 1)
Genre: Fantasy
Yelena was sentenced to death for murder. But then it makes Valek, the right hand of the commander of the kingdom, a membership: If it is the Vorkosterin of the commander, then live (so long until they eventually failed and she sweeps away a poison). Yelena can be informed of and agrees to Valek guessed it will taste all the known toxins and. In order to prevent her escape her Valek administered at the beginning of a particular toxin. If they do not come to him every morning to take the antidote, she will die. While Yelena because of their quick apprehension in respect Valek more and more increasing, threatening the fate of a plot of the empire and, ultimately, Yelena's life ...
Comment: This book has taken me from the first page in its spell and never let go, so I just give an Day I read. It is one of those Fantsyromane that have thousands of small defects, which it may now and again lacking in depth, but the one to talk so brilliantly that one has no desire to deal with the faults of the book eventually, you really know what happened next.
Also, I had fallen in love very quickly Valek. A quiet guy with an icy expression. Poisoner, assassin, spy. So one of these closed, shady guys who are just wonderful to Anschmachten.
pity then that the end is a bit too cheesy, because otherwise the book was really great.
addictive: definitely there, but it can be done without Band 2 all the best spend
subsequent purchases: If happen, but I can not even bother
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Nautical Star For Houses
Animals can't speak for themselves - it's up to us to do it
To any thinking person, it must be obvious that there is something badly wrong in relations between human beings and the animals that human beings rely on for food; and that in the past 100 or 150 years whatever is wrong has become wrong on a huge scale, as traditional animal husbandry has been turned into an industry using industrial methods of production.
There are many other ways in which our relations to animals are wrong (to name two: the fur trade, experimentation on animals in laboratories), but the food industry, which turns living animals into what it euphemistically calls animal products - animal products and animal byproducts - dwarfs all others in the number of individual animal lives it affects.
The vast majority of the public have an equivocal attitude to the industrial use of animals: they make use of the products of that industry, but are nevertheless a little sickened, a little queasy, when they think of what happens on factory farms and in abattoirs. Therefore they arrange their lives in such a way that they need be reminded of farms and abattoirs as little as possible, and do their best to ensure that their children are kept in the dark too, because as we all know children have tender hearts and are easily moved.
The transformation of animals into production units dates back to the late 19th century, and since that time we have already had one warning on the grandest scale that there is something deeply, cosmically wrong with regarding and treating fellow beings as mere units of any kind. This warning came so loud and clear that one would have thought it impossible to ignore. It came when in the mid-20th century a group of powerful and bloody-minded men in Germany hit on the idea of adapting the methods of the industrial stockyard, as pioneered and perfected in Chicago, to the slaughter - or what they preferred to call the processing - of human beings.
Of course we cried out in horror when we found out what they had been up to. We cried: What a terrible crime, to treat human beings like cattle! If we had only known beforehand! But our cry should more accurately have been: What a terrible crime, to treat human beings like units in an industrial process! And that cry should have had a postscript: What a terrible crime, come to think of it - a crime against nature - to treat any living being like a unit in an industrial process!
It would be a mistake to idealise traditional animal husbandry as the standard by which the animal-products industry falls short: traditional animal husbandry is brutal enough, just on a smaller scale. A better standard by which to judge both practices would be the simple standard of humanity: is this truly the best that human beings are capable of?
The efforts of the animal-rights movement, the broad movement that situates itself on the spectrum somewhere between the meliorism of the animal welfare bodies and the radicalism of animal liberation, are rightly directed at decent people who both know and don't know that there is something going on that stinks to high heaven - people who will say: "Yes, it's terrible what lives brood sows live, it's terrible what lives veal calves live", but who will then add, with a helpless shrug of the shoulders - "What can I do about it?"
The task of the movement is to offer such people imaginative but practical options for what to do next after they have been revolted by a glimpse of the lives factory animals live and the deaths they die. People need to see that there are alternatives to supporting the animal-products industry, that these alternatives need not involve any sacrifice in health or nutrition, that there is no reason why these alternatives need be costly, and furthermore that what are commonly called sacrifices are not sacrifices at all - that the only sacrifices in the whole picture, in fact, are being made by non-human animals.
In this respect, children provide the brightest hope. Children have tender hearts, that is to say, children have hearts that have not yet been hardened by years of cruel and unnatural battering. Given half a chance, children see through the lies with which advertisers bombard them (the happy chooks that are transformed painlessly into succulent nuggets, the smiling moo-cow that donates to us the bounty of her milk). It takes but one glance into a slaughterhouse to turn a child into a lifelong vegetarian.
Factory farming is a new phenomenon, very new in the history of animal husbandry. The good news is that after a couple of decades of what the businessmen behind it must have regarded as free and unlimited expansion, the industry has been forced onto the defensive.
The activities of animals-rights organisations have shifted the onus onto the industry to justify its practices; and because its practices are indefensible and unjustifiable except on the most narrowly economistic grounds ("Do you want to pay $1.50 more for a dozen eggs?") the industry is battening down its hatches and hoping the storm will blow itself out. Insofar as there was a public relations war, the industry has already lost that war.
A final note. The campaign of human beings for animal rights is curious in one respect: that the creatures on whose behalf human beings are acting are unaware of what their benefactors are up to and, if they succeed, are unlikely to thank them. There is even a sense in which animals do not know what is wrong.
They do certainly not know what is wrong in the same way that we human beings know what is wrong. Thus, however close the well-meaning benefactor may feel to his or her fellow animals, the animal-rights campaign remains a human project from beginning to end.
J. M. Coetzee was the 2003 Nobel Prize laureate for literature. This is an edited extract of a speech to be delivered in Sydney tonight.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Frame.setbackground Java
Boris Becker: I'm in a reproductive age I .....(...)... can (or will) ... beget new Famielienmitglieder
xDDD ~ ~ \u0026lt;3
How To Interlock Bracelets
yes yes ... the concert was yesterday BALZAC intake was Suppi, because 1 not crowded and 2 the statements were not controlled, and 3 although there was a smoking ban all smoking xDD ~ ~ ~ ~ kill kill kill kill the the xDDD .. anyway what ever ~
My thumb is dead, for the fucking music box has slipped on my thumb .. xDDD ~ ~ auauauaua
some pics:
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Nose Piercing Headache
I hate myself I hate myself I hate myself I hate myself I hate myself I hate myself I hate myself I hate myself I hate myself I hate myself I hate myself I hate myself I hate myself I hate myself I hate myself I hate myself I hate myself hate I hate myself I hate myself I hate myself I hate myself
I am worth nothing, I'm no good I'm no good I'm no good I'm no good I'm no good I'm no good I'm no good I'm no good I 'm no good I'm not worth anything, I'm worth
not need me no need me no me no need me
need everything ... oh fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck everything
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
Friday, August 1, 2008
Quinny Maxi Cosi Travel System
Soory for the bad english~~ me was again boring xD
How did you hear about D'espairsRay?
thru the Internet..yeah~~ because i am very interested to japan..and me was boring ..i decited to surch japanese music-artist..and so i found D'espairsRay!! yeah!!The first japanese rock band i heared.
Wich song/clip and what did you think of it?
I love the PV of Reddish because it is full of power and sexiness xDD
What was your first impression of HIZUMI?
damn!! i fall in love with his voice!!really!! at first it was a drug for me...crazy? xD
What was your first impression of Karyu?
What was your first impression of ZERO?
nice girl....xDD ( sorry Kai)
What was your first impression of TSUKASA?
a beatufull and creative man!
Still think the same?
not very~~ now i think that Zero is a nice man, but a little boring..i don't know why..(sorry Kai)..and Tsukasa is now for me a beatufull, creative alcoholic....(please don't hate me xD)
You've been a fan for how long?
i don't know...4 years..maybe
Is there a precise reason of why you love D'espairsRay?
They help to live in this world!
and they're hot~~ xD
What does your circle think about D'espairsRay?
Some say they take drugs, but i don't think so...and some love them,too
What other bands do you like?
Kagerou, Merry,BALZAC, Ayabie, Aural Vampire (Kai? xD) and of course Plastic Tree...
Who’s your favorite member and why?
KARYU!!Because he is indescribable.
What’s your favorite song and why?
I love all songs!! Beacause they help me!
What’s your favorite live song and why?
All because they presents the songs different but all with power and feelings!
What’s your favorite single and why?
i love all singles and albums!! damn!
What’s your favorite album and why?
argh!! i love all!!!
What’s your favorite song of the album MIRROR?
Who's the most epic blogger out of them?
öhm....Hizumi maybe
What’s your favorite thing about HIZUMI?
Without make up he looks very cute like a little cat! xD and with make-up he looks very dangerous.
What’s your favorite thing about Karyu?
i love that he plays a lot of instrument..and he is very muystic (*q*)
What’s your favorite thing about ZERO?
he had boobs!!!
What’s your favorite thing about TSUKASA?
he is very creative..and his eyes!! (Ö__Ö)..and his wince lip. xD
Which member of D'espairsRay do you find the most attractive?
Karyu!! (*q*) ooh yeah~~
Which member of D'espairsRay do you find the least attractive?
Zero..(v__v) sorry Zero~~
Which member of D'espairsRay do you most relate to?
i think i am like Zero..just boring or because we are both leo! xD..but Karyu is the best!
So you think you would match with him?
with Zero?? oh no...i think we will only argue with each other xDD...but maybe with Karyu?! xD
Which member of D'espairsRay do you find to be the most talented?
Karyu and Hizumi..Hizumi played bass and didn't sind..and his voice is amazing
What is HIZUMI’s most physically attractive feature?
his six-pack...and he dances so sexy xDD i love his dance during live concerts
What is Karyu’s most physically attractive feature?
All!! i love his nose!! and hands!his lips!
What is ZERO’s most physically attractive feature?
his hair??!! but it is not physically..hmm his hands are nice,too
What is TSUKASA’s most physically attractive feauture?
his face!! and his eyes *__*
Ever been to one of their lives? When? Where? How was it?! it was fantastic...i was in the first line where was Karyu (*__*)and i took Hizumi hand xDDD..and his shoes were ugly (v_v)
Is D'espairsRay better live or in studio?
How many of their CDs (singles, albums, mini albums) do you own?
a lot on pc and real xDD
Do you own any other D'espairsRay goods? If so, like what? (T-shirts, posters, etc)
t-shirt, poster, autograph *_*
Do you own Spiral Staircase #15, Liquidize or any other live DVD?
no (v_v) it is so expensiv
Are there are pinups or posters of them up on your wall?
How many D'espairsRay mp3’s do you have?
a lot
What D'espairsRay songs often play on your playlist/mp3 player?
SIXty∞NINe, Screen, Reddish,Gothic, kogoeru yoru ni saita hana
What’s your most cherished D'espa item?
all of them
What D'espairsRay item do you want the most?
a backstage-pass xDD
What’s your favorite D'espairsRay style (costumes)?
naked?! xD
What’s your favorite HIZUMI style/costume?
half-naked xD
What’s your favorite Karyu style/costume?
all all costumes he looks nice
What’s your favorite ZERO style/costume?
his girly noo.. i am very happy that she i mean he has now a man-style...( i like Zero...really!)
What’s your favorite TSUKASA style/costume?
his dirty outfit xD
Please tell us your favourite CD jacket.
all are fine
Do you or have your ever cosplayed them? If so, which styles or costumes?
How often do you visit D'espa's official homepage?
not very often because i hate their new homepage!!!
What do you think about the official site?
fuck off...(>.>) the old homepage was better!!
Do you own a D'espairsRay website? If so what’s the address? (fansite, etc)
Are you a member of [un]Beautiful?
no...i think it is stupid..i hate it..why did you do it D'espairsRay?
Have you written any letters or sent any gifts to the band?
No..but i want give a gift if they make an autograph-hour
Right now, if you could give the members a present, what do you think you’d give them? (Be original!)
Me!! is a SECRET!
What D'espairsRay song makes you the happiest?
Hollow...In Vain..dirty songs xD
What D'espairsRay song makes you the saddest?
What D'espairsRay song makes you the most emotional? (anger, reminds you something bad, etc)
What D'espairsRay song makes you start the day good?
Closer to Ideal
What D'espairsRay song helps you the best to fall asleep?
dirty songs xDDD
What are your favorite D'espairsRay lyrics?
What/wich D'espairsRay song(s) best inspire(s) you?
What D'espairsRay song do you love to sing along to?
Squall and Screen
What D'espairsRay song do you love to cover or would like to?
all the dirty songs
What D'espairsRay song have you been listening to a lot as of late?
What D'espa song makes you want to get up and headbang like hell?!
What D'espairsRay song would you recommend to someone who is interested in listening to them?
How do you feel about D'espairsRay's change over the years musically?
i think they don't change really...they became better
How do you feel about D'espairsRay's change over the years visually?
it is great! they grown up!
What is your most cherished memory of D'espairsRay?
the autograph-hour in Berlin...sorry Zero and Hizumi..wuhaaa
Would you ever get an D'espairsRay related tattoo?
no xD
Would you ever get anything else D'espairsRay related? (A member's haircut for example)
no xD
Is being an D'espairsRay fan a good thing?
yeah..but i don't want to be fan..i want to be a friend!!!
Do you think there are any bad things about being an D'espairsRay fan?
not very..only the homepage!!!
When did you realize that you were really an D'espairsRay fan?
i think about them all the time
What do you think about D'espa's fans?
they are ok..they are better as ancafe or ayabie fans!!!
Have you experienced any kind of influence after becoming an D'espairsRay fan?
the dirtiness xD
Describe D'espairsRay in one word.
Describe HIZUMI in one word.
Describe Karyu in one word.
Describe ZERO in one word.
Describe TSUKASA in one word.
If you could spend one day with HIZUMI, what would you do?
i don't really know...hmmm...maybe play computer games ? xD
If you could spend one day with Karyu, what would you do?
(*__*) at night to go in a park with wine..
If you could spend one day with ZERO, what would you do?
go shopping xDDDD
If you could spend one day with TSUKASA, what would you do?
to draw :D
Honestly, which member has the best reflexes?
Tsukasa..i think
Honestly, who is the smartest member?
i think it is Hizumi
Honestly, who is the most perverted member? (If you don't say *f*gdfg*gwa*gghfh* I swear... omg)
Karyu and maybe more Zero..ö.Ö
Honestly, which member smokes the most?
Tsukasa xDD
Honestly, who's the most matured member?
Hizumi xD
Can you rank the members?
not very xD
What role would you put the following members in? Please give your reason.
- Who would you marry -> Karyu, because he is sagittarius and i am leo?!! xDDDD
- Who would be your boyfriend -> Karyu xDD because we are both funny stupid
- Who would be your best friend -> i think Tsukasa..because he like to drwa and he likes Dali..maybe? xDDD
- Who would be your sibling -> Hizumi..because of the dance? xDDD
- Who would be your pet -> Tsukasa xDDD he likes food xD
- Who would be your dad/mom -> Zero xDDD..mum..hihi
MIRROR or Coll;set?
Born or Reddish?
Taste of Chaos or Jrock Revolution?
german tour! xD
If you could meet only one member of D'espairsRay, who would it be and why? What would you tell him?
Karyu..^^..i would ask him if i can become a friedn of you all and to go with you to japan xD
What would you like to say to HIZUMI?
Can i be your friend??(*_*) or dance Hizumi dance...( i would say if we were friends xD)
What would you like to say to Karyu?
Can i be your girlfriend?? xDDD thats do stupid things xD
What would you like to say to ZERO?
thats play bass...and eeeh can i be your friend? :D
What would you like to say to TSUKASA?
Can i be your friend?? and why do you like Dali?
What would you like to say to the managers and staff?
i want a backstage pass and to go to Japan..because i am a best friend of Despa .. and a girlfriend from Karyu .. soo he is not single anymore! xDDDDDD
What are you looking forward for D'espairsRay in the future?
Karyu is my boyfriend? xDDDDDD
Will you always stay a fan?
no .. i am a friend!
And finally, how will you always remember D'espairsRay?
friends! : D
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Craft Crossing The Red Sea
questionnaire (Personal)
because I'm bored xDDD
1) What is your name? Alya
2) What is your middle name is: /
3) What is your surname? Karasyova
4) Have you nickname: Alya, Alcher, puliii
5) Where do you live? Berlin
6 Did) you get a (n) friend (in)? : No
7) If so, as it is called (it): ~
8) Have you ever been in love: no
9) Do you have piercings or do you what: At the ears, but otherwise in navel and tongue will: D
10) Do you have a tattoo or would you like one: I want many small
11) If yes, what and where? patterns, signs, flowers .. on the hands, back, Halz, legs
12) Where do you buy one most: H & M
13) Do you take drugs: No
14) Do you smoke? Sometimes comes before .. but otherwise .. just for fun .. very rare: D
15) If so, what brand? Lucky Strike .. boah are the best
16) If you're a girl, use the type of make-up you: natural make-up ... nothing to the natural beauty and youthful stressed: D
17) Which shampoo? Vichy
18) Your hair is short or long: short
20) What is your favorite animal: guinea pig , dog, cat
21) What do you do to have fun: play sports, listen to music, meeting friends, reading
22) How many phones do you have at home: 2
23) How many TVs do you have at home ?: 1
24) What is your favorite food: fruit
25) You look like a famous person: no (ö_ö), I am unique xDD
26) Do you find you attractive: No
27) What do you do most Weekend: go to the middle xD
28) Do you sleep on your back, stomach or side? On his stomach
29) Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: jep with a plush lion plush dolphin
** 30) Do you sleep with light on or off ? from
31) What is your favorite TV show: The Simpsons, South Park, American Dad, Dr.House, Americas Next Top Model
xD 33) What perfume do you use?
CK one 34) Do you have a own phone? jep
35) If so, what is your number: I know myself ... not really (ö_ö)
36) What is the craziest thing you've ever done: Eh .. jaaa ..*
cough * 37) In what kind of clothes do you sleep? in so a shirt specially
38) What brand are your shoes? all from A to Z xD
39) What is your favorite drink: Cold Water and Green Tea
40) What words you say most often? sucks and I hate
41) Are you a serious, loud, shy or exuberant type: I am all
xD 42) Are you funny or strange: I am funny in a strange way
43) What is the ugliest person you know: sorry Kai, but there is still Tom Cruise
44) Are you popular? not so .. so
medium 45) What was your most embarrassing experience: if I do not have on my glasses, then happen to me often embarrassing things .. eg unknown Man talking to me .. he thought his brother xDD
46) If you had three wishes, what would you wish for: peace 3x
47) Want to get married: No
48) If yes, where: ~
49) Is the glass half-empty or half full: half full
50) Are you right or left handed: I write unfortunately right
51) Which (r) award / true saying up to you: no idea
52) Would you ever see someone cheat: No
53) What is your favorite name for a girl? Azazel: D
54) If you could change something about you, what would it be? All
55) Have you ever tried to kill you: No, but already thought
56) What are the most horrible name: Perdita xDDDD ...* chair from tipping
* 57) Do you have siblings?
yeah 58) If yes, how old are they: 21
59) What was the first thing you noticed by the opposite sex: They are all rapists and pedophiles ..~_~
60) What are you addicted? water and fruit
61) do you like jewelry? already .. but somehow I do not wear often
62) Who would you like to be: ~
63) Who has it easier, boys or girls: I think girls, because they can kontollieren her sex drive ö_ö
64) Would you prefer big or small? : Large 1.80 wuhahaha
65) are throwing you a lot: No
66) What was the craziest you've ever done: ~
67) What's your favorite school subject: art, math, bio, chemistry
68) Who is the funniest person you know: Lili
69) What time is it now? 17:14
70) Do you want to study: Yes!
71) If yes, what: fashion design visit
72) What school do you?? Gymnasium
73) Do you feel comfortable in your class / level:'re
75): Yes
74) Do you sleep much? to be a day or a night person? both
76 can) you define love: No, because I've never been in love
77) How often do you shower: every 2nd day
78) coming clearly you well with your parents: hmm .. well ... lied no
79) Did you ever: Yes (~_~)
80) If so, why? bad grades, or because of learning xD
81) How many rooms in your house / apartment: ~ unimportant
82) What do you want? Famous fashion designer
83) Have you ever flown?
yes 84) If so, how did you like it? funny
85) you swear a lot: Yes
86) Have you ever thought you die'd have: No
87) If yes, where and why: ~
88) Have you ever seen a UFO: No
89) What are your favorite flowers: lilies
90) What is your room? boring
91) How would you describe yourself: boring, ugly person
92) What religion do you have: ~
93) Do you believe in reincarnation: Yes
94) Do you believe in black magic: Yes
95) Did it ever tried out: Yes
96) Do you think that a person is destined for a Other: I hope it
97) Do you believe in love at first sight: Yes
98) What color is your toothbrush? green-white
99) What is your favorite fruit? ooooh ~ there are too many
100) What are your favorite candy? no
101) What was your best day in your life: where I learned to ride a bike
102 ) Why? because it is a nice feeling
103) Are you * Mamma's little angel *: yes and no
104) Do you play an instrument: yes .. bass and guitar
105) Do you have AOL: No
106) Do you wear right now Nail Polish: No
107) If so, what color: ~
108) How many rings / bracelets you wear? than 2
109) Are you tired: No
110) Do you have scars: Yes
111) Have you ever cried because of someone of the opposite sex: No
112) do you like lollipops: No
113) What are you thinking right now: when I can finally make sport look
114) Without what underwear you are wearing right now? ~
115) What makes you laugh? Wisecracks
116) How many pillows do you sleep? 2
117) What was your worst nightmare: I'm not nightmares .. I've just surreal dreams xD
118) What secrets can you tell me here: ~
119) in the opposite sex do not you understand: I really understand everything
120) As the same sex you do not understand: I understand everything
121) What holiday do you like the favorite: Winter Holiday
122) Why? xD
123) What advertising do you like best: ~
124) What advertising can not you stand? ~
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Simple Fold Fan Serviette
Japanese Whalers Using Humpbacks To
Blackmail the International Whaling Commission
"Let us kill the Piked and Fin whales or the Humpbacks will die," is the message from Joji Morishita of the Japanese Institute for Cetacean Research.
Once again the Japanese whalers are threatening to slaughter Humpbacks unless they get permission to slaughter a thousand Piked whales and fifty endangered Fin whales in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary in December of 2008 and January thru March 2009.
"Japan is willing to work with the current chair of the International Whaling Commission by suspending its Humpback hunt if there are signs of progress at the IWC," said Japan's chief whaling negotiator Morishita.
"The final decision will be made at the last moment, I guess. But ... the IWC process is moving so I assume that the same situation will apply to the coming research season," he told a press conference.
The current chair of the IWC, William Hogarth of the United States, has reportedly urged Japan to spare the Humpbacks for another year to avoid driving a wedge into an already divided commission.
The 81-nation IWC agreed at its annual meeting last week in Santiago to create a 24-nation working group to recommend solutions ahead of next year's meeting in Portugal's Madeira island.
The Santiago meeting of the IWC accomplished very little this year. Japan was able to manipulate the agenda to avoid any serious voting on the real issues. Illegal Japanese whaling in the Southern Whale Sanctuary in violation of the global moratorium on whaling was not even discussed. Instead Japan pushed the agenda that the IWC should direct its energies towards stopping the activities of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society.
As long as the IWC refuses to acknowledge the illegal activities of Japanese, Norwegian and Icelandic whaling, no progress will be made in conserving the world's whales.
The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society has the ability to shut down illegal Japanese whaling activities in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary. The laws are clear, the situation is clear; all that is needed is enforcement. Sea Shepherd can supply that enforcement.
Sea Shepherd's Operation Musashi "intends to sink the Japanese whaling fleet Economically next season. The Japanese whalers are illegally the problem and Sea Shepherd ships and crew are the solution. The 2008/2009 campaign
promises to be the most confrontational and dangerous campaign to date. The stakes are high, the risks are high and the rewards are priceless - the saving of the lives of hundreds of dog endangered species.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Franchise Agreement Templates
I had finally started to like myself, in appearance and in character. I had to create solid goals and I wanted no matter how something great, wonderful. I was full of power and energy. I loved life and I enjoyed it.
But then I became what I loved so much that what I have done, what I was longing for years for me and what I have finally found the courage to live happily, I weggenohmen just before my eyes My family and friends. I was mentally abused and attacked in such a way that I cried every night because the pressure is too high.
I have no more self-confidence. I'm trying, just by my clothes and my make-up, although I was totally against earlier to hide. I hate myself. Every second I'm loszuheulen wide. According to their opinion I am a liar and a murderer. What can I say? I was suddenly very stylish and in my loud and confident voice was just a little mouse voice. I can not the group defended my opinion. Wen interrested been my opinion because I'm lying so persistent? I do not know me anymore. Everyone sees in me a different person. And that hurts me, but unfortunately no one understands. I myself do not understand why YOU have done this to me without speaking to me and to spread any lies. Honestly, I hate them all, but I try to suppress what in me creates even more unrest. I see them in the eye and think only ashamed " which are not? why do they laugh? why not apologize? Why are they doing as if nothing had happened? ". No one understands me. Now I know I've nothing erreiche.Ich goals, but from which nothing will. I do not care whether I live or not. I am all I care because I hate the whole world and every human being. For YOU satisfied? ..
Sunday, July 13, 2008
How Do I Wedding Date To Friends In A Humourous
"What a piece of work is man, how noble in reason, how unbegranzt in faculty! in form and moving how express and admirable! commercially as similar to a Angel! in apprehension how like a god! the beauty of the world! the paragon of animals! But what I this quintessence of dust? is be it! May the Prince of Denmark, a idle and being blasé, not have had with people in mind, I know him! The bard was half right: the act of the people is not very angelic, and it is blasphemous to compare the human understanding with God, but there is something better than the people it is not on Erden.Was but action and understanding-so far as this is a chimera, vanity, deceit, really Quintessent Staube.Der of man, he is not acting, he is Körper.Selbst the plant that please the eye, the most abundant and most wonderful flowers to compare themselves not with the construction of the magnificent human Körpers.Blumen are primitive and simplistic, both inside and out: How to be a Blüttenblatt also rotate, it's boring anzuschauen.Was have their greedy Stengel, the poor-geometric inflorescences, the miserable stamens against the purple tight muscles that Elastizät silky skin, the silver mother of pearl of the stomach, the graceful turns of the intestine and the mysterious asymmetry of the liver!
Is it possible to for the monotonous color blooming poppy compare with the various nuances of human blood, the deep scarlet of the arterial flow to the royal venous purple? What is the vulgar Blue Bellflower against the delicate light blue drawing of the capillaries or the leaves changing color of maple against the flaming red of the monthly flow? The female body is much more refined and a hundred times more interesting than the männliche.Die function of the female body is not heavy work, and destruction, but creation and Wartung.Die elastic uterus is like a precious Perlmuschel.Das's the idea! a fertilized womb open to the interior the shell to discover a maturing pearl-yes, yes, absolutely! thing tomorrow!
I had to fast for a long time since the butter week.
dries out my lips, as they said repeatedly, "refresh my damn heart with fasting, that kills the passion!" The Lord is gracious and merciful, He will not be angry with that Karft was not enough for six days until the Easter Sunday is the 3rd of April auszuharren.Immerhin no ordinary day, but the anniversary of the Erleuchtung.Damals was also 3.April.Daß another calendar was, is unwichtig.Wichtig is the music of the words: third-th A-pril .
Fasteb I have my own, my own Ostern.Wenn I break even the fasting then richtig.Nein, I will not wait until tomorrow. Today! yes, yes hold a feast.
to saturate non-no, the übersättigen.Nicht for my sake, but for the glory of God.
For He was the one who opened my eyes and taught me to see true beauty and begreifen.Mehr yet to reveal them and the world is visible to the machen.Und equivalent Erschaffen.Ich am a companion of the creator.
What a pleasure after a long abstinence, the fasting brechen.Ich remember every delicious moment, I know that everything will keep Gedächnis to the smallest detail, every visual, gustatory, tactile, auditory, olfactory Empfindung.Ich close eyes and see:
later, can not Abend.Ich schlafen.Erregung and enthusiasm lead me through dirt roads, past Ödplätzen, crooked houses and crooked Zäunen.Schon many nights in a row escapes me, the Schlaf.Ich feel a pressure on the chest and a throbbing in the Schläfen.Tagsüber I fall asleep for a half or a Hour and wake of terrible Traumgesischtern to which I can not remember anymore.
I go and dream of death, by the encounter with Him, but I wei0: Death may I nciht, it is too early, my mission is not fulfilled.
a voice from the darkness: "How about a nightcap?" A biting, drunken Stimme.Ich turn around and see the ugliest and most disgusting of all human beings: a run-down whore, drunk, pulled down, but it Grotest painted with white makeup and lipstick.
I turn away in disgust, but suddenly penetrates well-known mercy Herz.Arme my creature, what have you done to thee And the should be a woman, a masterpiece of divine art! How can you mock only themselves so and humiliate, violate God's gift so!
you yourself, of course, no Schuld.Die soulless, cruel society has geworfen.Aber up in the dirt I am going to clean up and retten.Die soul is light and happy.
Who would have thought that it will happen. I have not had no intention of breaking the fast, otherwise I would not have gone through this shanty town, but by the stinking streets of Chitiwka or Gratschowka where vulgarity and vice, are at home. But magnanimity and generosity, stained quite easily impatient desire to meet me.
"I want to please you, my love," I say. "Come with me."
I wear men's stuff, and the witch thinks it was a foul for their goods Käifer gefunden.Sie laughs hoarsely. "Wirdenn Where to go? Listen, have ever coal? Spendier me something to drink before all that." A poor wandering sheep.
I lead them through a dark yard, the Schuppen.Ungeduldigt I Stir on a door, a second, dirtte is not closed.
The Happy Cooker me breathes booze in the neck and giggles. "Oops, put me in the shed. Did it but nötog" A generous cut with a scalpel, and I open the door to her soul freedom. But the successful liberation
not without pain, it's like a Birth. The woman I love with all my heart now has a lot of pain, she gasps and bites on the gag, but I strechle her head and comforted her: ". Be patient" My hands do quickly and cleanly to their Werk.Licht bracuhe I do not see my eyes at night twie Sun gu day. I
swings / open the disgraced, soiled cover her body, the soul of my dear sister you up, and I was striving in prayer before the perfection of the divine mechanism.
When I lifted up with a heartfelt smile, her warm heart to my face, twitches and wriggles like a fish caught there, and I kiss the beautiful little fish on the open tender Lips of the aorta.
The place is well chosen, no one bothers me, and this time is sung the hymn to the beauty to the end and vollendet.Sclafe with a kiss on the cheek, mine sister, your life was disgusting and horrible, your sight, the eye offended, but thanks to my you have become beautiful.
Take the following Blume.Ihre true beauty is not on the field and not be seen on the bed, oh no! The Rose has the royal bodice, the carnation in his buttonhole, the violets in the hair of a beautiful Frau.Der triumph of a flower falls, even if it is cut, her real life is the death not to trennen.So it is with the menschlcihen body. As long as he lives. he can not in all his magnificence magnificent building zeigen.Ich to help the body triumphieren.Ich am gardener.
But, no, a gardener cuts off only the flower, I can do but from body organs a mural of berauschnder beauty, a sublime Dekoration.In England comes a new Berunf in fashion-decorator, a specialist in the beautification of home, shop windows, the festive street. .
I am not a gardener, I am a decorator "
(Boris Akunin" the beauty of the dead girl ")
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Vhs-c Without Adapter
These "key chain" are sold in China - as a gimmick for the 2008 Olympics. (To see Then one of the mascot, the panda ..)
Ja, die Goldfische sind echt und ja, sie krepieren darin innerhalb weniger Stunden und können so auch oft nicht mehr lebendig an den Mann gebracht werden.
Was solls, das Leben eines Goldfischs ist ja nichts Wert.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Dc Tech Deck Rendelés
the weather is stupid and I'm still sporting event: D ~ I just hope xD
uuuui ~ DIO come to Berlin (* 3 *) and BALZAC: DDDD ... Kai you come too? ; D
I bought the 2 cds Bevit of Neil, which are better than me * ~ * ~
thank you very much thats rock!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
How To Make A Message For The Newly Wed
1) Your name: Alya
2) Birthday: 26.7
3) Nick Name: Alya, puliiii
4) What perfume do you use: Miro
5) Favorite shampoo: Dove
6) favorite color: all \u0026lt; , 3
7) Best Friends: TsuTsuu, Lili, Kai, Rena, etc * _ *
8) Small description of the person: stuuuupid girl ~
9) Occupation: consumer
10) animals: guinea pigs!
11) When did you last showered: today
12) What color is the pants that you just wearing: light-brown
13) Favorite music: rock: D
14) Hobbies: concerts x3
15) Dream car: sports car environmentally friendly: DD
16) Smoking or Non smoking: both xD
17) Toothpaste: always happy but
18) Favorite food: fruit * 3 *
19) Do you live with your parents: jööö mään
20th) Lieblingseiscrem: low fat
21) Favorite drink: water and tea
22) When you go to bed: against 23 clock
23) favorite shoes: Sport shoes \u0026lt;3
24) Favorite Song: Zuu many
25) Favorite Website: öööhm ...
26) favorite subject in school: art, math and chemistry
27) The subject that you hate the most: English and history
28) Dearest sports, you look at: Athletics
29) terrible or annoying person you know: I myself xD
30th) favorite travel destination: Japan
31) Piercing or tattoos: both
32) whole milk or Durable: i hate milk! only soy milk!
33) Single or "Out": Single
34) Simple or complicated: Complicated
35th) law or anarchy both
36th) read or write: both
37) sunrise or sunset for both are beautiful
38) Are you for sex before marriage: no xD
39) to get up late or wake up late: um ...
40th) What is more romantic bath or shower: shower xD
41) or a knitted leather purse: plastic wallet
42) What comes first, business or pleasure: Working
43) emerald or ruby: neither
44th) restaurant with candlelight or moonlight picnic: picnic
45) Left or Right: Left
46) vanilla ice cream or chocolate: iiiiih
47) Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Cruise: Wow .. ecklig
48 .) Green beans or carrots: Carrots \u0026lt;3
49) cat or dog: cat and dog
50) Half empty or half full: half full course
51) Mustard or ketchup: iiih
52) newspaper or magazine: magazine
53) Sandals or sneakers: sneakers!
54) Have you ever been the victim of a crime: kiss yes
55) Umarmenn or: both x3
56) Height: 170
57) Shoe size: 38-40
58) Hair Color / Length: black-brown and short
59) Eye color: brown-green
60) Weight: kg under 55
61) Your definition of love: There's Something
62) Siblings: 1
63) If I had three wishes: peace, peace , peace
64) favorite acronym:-_-
65) favorite number: 7
66) The most romantic thing you ever happened: * thoughtfully ööööhm *.. oh I do not like
67) star wars or star trek: iiiih
68) What song are you listening to right now, or what was the last one: höhö
69) Your thoughts on Bill Gates: höhö
70) What's right beside you: my glasses
71) What color light-brown
72) What are the last 4 digits of your phone number:: ö___ö
73) Duplo: Your computer table has bold
74) What is your favorite radio station: fritz?
are 75th) What is the strangest name you've ever heard: Perdita xDDD
76) Last movie you saw (in theaters): I do not remember xD
77th) If you were a crayon, what color'd You: white x3
78) Where do you want your honeymoon spend: in the grave
79) Who do you want to marry and spend the time with him the rest of your life: hach *___*
80) Last book you read: FAUST
81) Do you have a pager (Quix , Scall ,...): nö
82) Do you have a lava lamp: nö
83) How many people are on your buddy list: what is it?
84) How is the weather now: goofy
85) What did you do last night:
86) Last person with whom you have slept on the phone: jaaaaaaaaaa ....
87) Who do you talk online: with TsuTsuu
88) What is your name backwards: ayla
89) What do you have a computer background: standart blue
90) What look you with the opposite sex first: eyes and smile **
91) What are you doing tomorrow: school
92 ') Who are you most admire: perfect people
93) Backstreet Boys: I've heard
xD 94) How many CDs you have: many
95) What was the last CD you bought: cd of TCST
96th) What is currently your favorite song: Zuu many
97th) Soda: ne
98) Coke or Pepsi : you know how many drinks have cal ö.ö this?
99th) How many times you want Children: 0-1
100th) How many boys / girls: 0-1
101) Have you ever been in love: no
102nd) When was the last time you cried: a long time ago
103) What is the first, to the do you remember in your life: __________Leere
104th) in whom you were in love last: ö_ö
105th) Are you currently in love: ne
106th) in whom you are in love the moment. _ .
107) How do you feel at the moment: happy
108) What do you think watching: Karyu-junior
109) Who is your best online friend: -
110) Do you believe in love at first sight: jaaa * _ *
111th) Do you believe in God: no
112) What do you usually eat for breakfast: cereal and fruit
113) Do you like blind dates: no
114) What is your favorite TV show The Simpsons
115) What is your favorite movie: the fabulous 117th DespairsRay
) What is the most embarrassing CD that you have:: amelie Poulain
116) What is the best CD that you have o-zone
118) Who is the smartest person you know " "My mother XDD
119) Who is the coolest person you know: Lili
120) Who is the stupidest person you know: I
121) Who is the funniest person you know: Lili
122nd) What is your favorite country: France and Japan
123) Do you believe in miracles: yes
124) How many pillows you sleep: 1 xD
125) What is your favorite perfume (EdC ,...) ? sex on the other: CKONE
126th) What's the worst feeling: loneliness
127) What's the best feeling: to be loved
128) What is your favorite name (boys): Karyu Junior xD
129) What is your favorite name (girls) are: Amelie
130) Who was the first person in that you were in love xD
131) What's all under your bed: the hell
132) How was your weekend: normal
133) Your favorite sport: Basketball * _ *
134th ) What is the most amazing thing you've ever seen: annexing much
135) The first, on what you think when you hear these words ...
- School: Kotze
- Talk Shows: Dumb
- Shopping: öööhm
- Friends: Yeah
- Chocolate: GREASE
- Winnie the Pooh: stupid american
- day or night: The whole day
- winter or summer: spring
136) Who is your favorite actor: Johnny Depp
137) Favorite movie quote: *
138) How many questions in this texts are meaningless: all
139th) Have you ever slept with a boy / girl: Of course * cough *
140) Do you believe in life after death: Yes
141) Who is the ugliest person you know: Tom Cruise
142) What is your favorite school subject: art, math, chemistry
143) What is your favorite brand: H & M
144) On how many concerts were you are now: very much
145) The last concert on which you were: TCST
146) Your favorite flower: lily
147th) What is your favorite animal: guinea pig
148th) What do you wear to sleep in: T-shirt
149) From whom did you get the last sms: no idea
150) How did you find the poll: I HATE MYSELF