Certainly I would admit it publicly only under threat of torture, but here it makes us so nix:
Yes, I am an avid reader of a small exhilarating eco-sermons. It is a source of infinite joy to me. For they shall always full of humor, my center. While this is certainly not the primary intention of this wonderful conglomerate of seminar offerings, classified ads, and various kind of strange - for the politically correct vegetarian totally essential - food additives - but read for yourself what the inexperienced reader in October issue was presented:
This makes one thing clear: this ad texts are written off one by one from me - nothing added - nothing left out - that really is not necessary. The comments of my (female under constant chattering) brain are italics. So no one really on, really stupid idea, I will be the one that comes to this incredible
And now, fasten your seatbelts, we rely on the low spiritual flight.
Since I like to jump on the cover of the wonderful headline: "Close to nature his farmer" - and I am left wondering: "Is Bauer also in the absence of precisely those" is
Wonderful also Articles: "Spiral Dynamics for a strong back" - Until today I had assumed that spiral turns have a wide margin to the spinal health. But what do I know ....
No two pages later attracts me a snipe
"highlight of the bdr-treatment is the perforation of the upper skin layers of the epidermis (WTF ?!?!?). This is the permeability the skin increased (which was to be expected, right?) can thus applied drugs are optimally absorbed by the skin. A list of the ingredients out to be too far (and / or women Ehrenreich directly to jail). ... The following special pump massage leads to an intensive excretion of waste products (oops, I'm already in the non-youth outdoor part landed?)
But we leave Mrs. E. obscure their services and move us in the wonderful world of "Psychodontie" - and - no - that concept I've thought of not just .. That was someone (To show prejudice or other malicious * grins *) And this other man, only to prevent further prejudice
Here is a brief outline of the topic.
"The Psychodontie relationships uncovered between the tooth and forms messages on their psychological. "
Yes, sensational! I'm probably the champion Psychodontie.
me is the connection between black tooth stumps of the psychological message "I am 30 years single," has always been crystal clear. But good that someone has again provided with an attractive half-term.
In this grateful mood I want to finish my little excursion into the world of green Freakse. Not without Allen, who held out to here, yet the concept of "Sustainable living room harmonization" in their education. I know of to date, although only under the pseudonym of "divorce with a spouse's statement" - but now is well, call it all as he wants.
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