I finally read time and again that's what I use too. I had done as a reward after all the stress about 10 new books (unfortunately, most first volumes of series, so it will probably be a follow purchases). The first three I've read in the last days:
Ilona Andrews: Magic Bites (Series: Kate Daniels 1)
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Content: The story takes place in Atlanta, sometime in the future. But not mastered the technical progress of daily life. On the contrary, repeatedly breaking in upon the magic of the city and all the modern technology brings to a halt. In this rather dark world and frolic all sorts of dangerous creatures. Shapeshifter, necromancers, vampires, and much more sinister monster. Kate Daniels is a mercenary who takes it for money with this monster. But one day her mentor is killed Greg. Kate begins on your own research to make
opinion: class, a book that neither side has too much. The author does not keep long on explanations, it throws the reader right into the action and before you know it you are so tied up, that the book again until the page loaded if you have arrived on the last page. "Magic Bites" is sometimes dark, sometimes bloody and brutal. At the same time it also possesses a good sense of humor and the obligatory romance, but is not cheesy. Once you are in these days little more from the millions of vampire romance novels, it was strange to note that the vampires here gent for blood, Necromancer of controlled monsters. Somehow I needed that ...
addictive: high
Episode Purchase: already happened
Lynda Hilburn: The Vampire Shrink (Series: Kismet Knight 1)
Genre: vampire schmaltzy or housewife dreams
Content: The psychiatrist Kismet Knight turns up one day a girl who is dressed like a Goth and tells her that her parents had sent her to dissuade her Kismet, that she wants to be a vampire.
Kismet has experienced a lot, but people who believe in vampires, or even keep for yourself what that is new to her. Even when she met the outrageously handsome Devereux, she will not believe it. Until it is at the center of vampiric power struggles finds.
Comment: An absolute bad buy. I was not being scrutinized closely and was not aware that this would be one of those stupid romance novels. I liked only the combination psychologist / vampire and I was looking forward to some lively dialogue. But would could have guessed that Kismet had probably long no more sex and the sight of a handsome man is so busy, sheaves to be that intelligent conversations, because they to such at all capable, no time remains. And so it is again this "magical attraction blah" that can drown themselves mercilessly the erotic aspect of the story in a short time. And there are still other men who find Kismet very beautiful and make them think again about how long they had actually no more sex. Honestly, you would like to give this woman a vibrator, then maybe they would meet again in a position to the guys with a little more self-respect ... Menno! Similarly annoying
also believe that Kismet continuously refuses to believe in vampires. What was probably intended as Runnig Gag is ridiculously tiring and makes me rather doubt the sanity of the heroine. Because even after a vampire has moved out before her his fangs and bitten, she still always had all these funny guys with a personality disorder. Devereux that reads your thoughts, Kismet swallows for the first time. * Headdesk *
I have not finished the book, half of it to me then finally passed.
addictive: Chhhzzzzzz ... For people with sleep disorders, perhaps ...
Episode Purchase: but certainly not
Mariy V. Snyder: Poison Study (Series: Study Series 1)
Genre: Fantasy
Yelena was sentenced to death for murder. But then it makes Valek, the right hand of the commander of the kingdom, a membership: If it is the Vorkosterin of the commander, then live (so long until they eventually failed and she sweeps away a poison). Yelena can be informed of and agrees to Valek guessed it will taste all the known toxins and. In order to prevent her escape her Valek administered at the beginning of a particular toxin. If they do not come to him every morning to take the antidote, she will die. While Yelena because of their quick apprehension in respect Valek more and more increasing, threatening the fate of a plot of the empire and, ultimately, Yelena's life ...
Comment: This book has taken me from the first page in its spell and never let go, so I just give an Day I read. It is one of those Fantsyromane that have thousands of small defects, which it may now and again lacking in depth, but the one to talk so brilliantly that one has no desire to deal with the faults of the book eventually, you really know what happened next.
Also, I had fallen in love very quickly Valek. A quiet guy with an icy expression. Poisoner, assassin, spy. So one of these closed, shady guys who are just wonderful to Anschmachten.
pity then that the end is a bit too cheesy, because otherwise the book was really great.
addictive: definitely there, but it can be done without Band 2 all the best spend
subsequent purchases: If happen, but I can not even bother
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