Friday, October 17, 2008

Council Gym London Gay Cruise

October 16th

Most people now runs a chill down the spine at the thought of wearing a fur coat made from skins of 34 dead mink. But what about fur? The fluffy trim on her cardigan, the pompons on your hat, the fringes on your boots or even a gaming mouse to your cat could be made of sweet bunnies. These are all additional reasons to refrain entirely on fur!

rabbit fur is often cheaper than the skins of other animals such as fox or mink. Thus driving the industry forward fur trade in fur accessories and fur trim in order to win new customers for their bloody business.
See our research on rabbit fur. Speaker: Gillian Anderson

rabbit fur - not a waste product

in rabbits fur is often talk of the "politically-correct" Fur, as since it is here "is merely a waste product of the meat industry." But this is not so! are grown as well as many chicken breeds - either for a particularly high-yield egg, or a lot of meat - a distinction also in the rabbit breeding between their meat and fur production. Rex rabbits are bred and killed for the exception to strike out of their skins and profits flow in the breeding of rabbits Orylag over 60% in the economic benefit of the fur industry. achieved only by the white "rabbits", the meat of the highest commercial gain, the fur is sold at a loss for frippery.

rabbits - more than an accessory

Rabbits are highly social animals with their families in underground burrows (rabbit) live. You can jump faster than cats and people run faster than a deer. Rabbits love to Apfelstreuchen, hay and green vegetables to nibble on. They also need to wear out their constantly growing teeth. They communicate with their body language, for example, by tapping with their long hind legs on the ground to warn other rabbits of danger. They mark their territory like cats - they rub their chin on branches, rocks or on other peers. People who have adopted rabbits from the shelter to know how devoted, loyal and loving they deal with other rabbits and their human companions. Rabbits are sensitive, intelligent animals with an individual personality, just like dogs and cats that so many of us as family members. They enter into a lifelong relationship with other rabbits and humans, they play with toys and can even learn to use a litter box.

rabbit fur farms

The farms are similar to the battery farming of chickens - hundreds of tiny wire cages are lined up. While the white rabbits bred for their meat in the first place will be kept in groups, and Rex must Orylag from adolescence to sit in solitary confinement so that they can not damage each other's fur. Hogan has here the size of 60x40cm and a height of 30cm. As an illustration, this corresponds to a size of 2 shoe boxes. None of the rabbits, whether in groups or the White Rex and Orylag ever have the opportunity to go to their natural needs. They spend their short, sad life in stinking wire mesh cages where they dig or hopping, can still play. The cages have solid floor slabs or litter, but grated floors so that feces and urine can fall directly through it. Rabbits are naturally clean animals and very social. Through the insulation and the floor rising Kotgerüche and resulting Amoniakdämpfen animals to suffer further.

The slaughter methods are as cruel: They were breaking their necks or hit them a skull, before being hanged by the feet and they cut off his head. Many animals still floundering and are fully conscious while on an assembly line and hang get ripped open by an electronically operated knife necks.

China's economic miracle?

China has developed in recent years to the largest fur producer. Rabbits, foxes, minks and other animals are reared under the most terrible circumstances. There are no animal protection regulations or controls. The killing methods are gruesome, to save time and money, many animals are beaten and skinned alive. And as if that were not enough, there is also a thriving, cruel dog and cat fur industry in Asia, said fur is often misspelled as "rabbit fur" and it sold in Western markets. Although resigns 01.01.2009 an import and trade ban of dog and cat fur in the EU in force, but without expensive DNA tests, it is virtually impossible to determine which species is hidden behind the fur trim.

decide there are so many high quality alternatives to both rabbit fur and angora to be more compassionate fashion lovers and animal-friendly designers for it to spare, rabbits and other animals, and instead of synthetic materials such as Acrylics, brushed cotton and faux fur. Also, several large department stores such as Galeria Kaufhof, Karstadt Quelle KG including Germany's largest department store KaDeWe are already disembarked from the cruel fur business.



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