Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Kudzu Extract Walgreens

25 liters of pig's blood ...

and Smirchtel Günni .... and in giving mood

Or: how I spend a hearty Halloween?

As I was out on the weekend, are the ingredients for a successful Halloween weekend to get exotic, heavy odor and technically hard on the edge of endurance - but if you have them together, the fun is guaranteed - though perhaps not values for the audience.

below so a small shopping list for those who the successful party not long ago have thrown more.

- 100 coffins (! Borrow from a famous coffin factory)
- 1 Perlsacktierchen
- 20 pairs of contact lenses, white
- , about 30 liters of coffee
- more replacement blades Epee
- 25 liters of porcine blood
- 1 draw
Bank - 2 bottles of baby powder
- 4 kg goulash with noodles
- freezer bags for Blood packs
- 1 Fabric-Bear stuffed animal with explosives
- 1 Australia Wax Coat
- fresh Inne net of beef and pork - preferably liver and heart - intestines do not forget
- 1 cardboard Pope Mitra
- one-armed actor
- a voluntary blood sacrifice
- 1 crinoline
- fetish clothes in paint - Viiiiel it!
- 1 walker
- 2 coffins with hydraulic lids
- members of the Leones and the Communitas pugna lupus - all in various stages of madness galloppierenden
- 1 Gruga-Halle in Essen
- a chocolate pudding filled with pork intestines
- 1 hiking wells
- 1 Mac Guyver
- 2 tubes Kukident adhesive cream

and a lot of other little things like some Cubic meters of particle board or 20 liters of fog fluid. Then

confusing you all on a Friday night together and this mixture can be run through to Saturday night well.
The result is ....
- terrific
- breathtaking
- stupid
nauseating - and anyway ..... very cute muscle laughing ....

who has worked its way up to this reading, which may now benefit from the wisdom gathered this weekend - and take one or other of profound knowledge with the rest of his life: first

Blood sacrifices are great for keeping the text in the dress rehearsal. They are always just stupid on altars around - then they can do so at least until her death socially useful.

second Cardboard and reinforced tape can be a lot of tinkering - even a papal miter

third The national costume of the Transylvanian Bäuereinnen is damn sexy and incredibly modern-it consists primarily of a very tight laced corset - at least in the Essen-GRUGAHALLE adaptation. Like the breath of the Transylvanian peasant women harvesting robbed in this dress enters, could now also the first time on the basis of experimental archeology during of the control samples are cleared off the stage. It has simply imperious look at the fields to be harvested / tree / store and the money-panting obsequious peasant is happy to comply with their orders.

4th Really stupid is it when the dress rehearsal, the heroine in a fight scene in addition to various vampires equal miterschießt. Trial and Error is when then during the show's heroine no longer be shot, either because you just slipped out the magazine of the gun and opened with a loud bang on the stage floor.

5th The removal of eyeballs on the rack is to make sure no leaving large ugly pig's blood stains on the ceiling. Especially not if it will advance by the organizers pointed out that one can not really make anything but a stain on the ceiling.

6th The longer vortschreitet the sample, the monosyllabic, the villain. What the beginning nor an elongated elaborate marriage proposal to the heroine (including hidden death threat in the "per impossibile" unlikely event of failure to adopt) was to be to clock at 23:45 on a Friday evening: "Getting married? Not? Men .... Kill "-! Summarized Good and only slightly less effective as the long versions. I am sure that the "Danielle-Directors-Cut" of this proposal is certainly errreichen cult status.

7th The deep sigh of the afflicted Mac Guyver - after having been postponed for the umpteenth time, the picturesque draw well on stage - is going to sound to me a long time in my ears: "19-meter platform ..... STAGE 19 meters and a fucking walking well - and you manage, you hide behind it all. - YOU CAN NOT SEE YOU AGAIN "§$"$&(/))=)/"$§" VER 111 "!!

8th For the lords of the Schöfpung who are still looking for a wife for this or that night here, the knowledge of our stuntman Pitti, after he survived a fall from several meters. -Only to then be attacked by a hormone-controlled visitor almost on the mat:
"If I had known at 18 already, how easy it is to give a woman Abeln - you just have bleeding like a pig from 5 meters Hö he fall down somewhere "- We will not verify this theory with extensive field pilot tests Chung - Non-vertigo-düren voluntarily one likes under "Leone" Report

9th Frightening is it that it has generated a small brown bat pearl pocket-called "Peter-Klaus, the bat," even in such a young age to a stage name. - Something which other players can still only dream of. Needless to say that "PKs" airs and graces were unbearable. But at least he gave us graciously indulged in one of his five dressing rooms, the Mistviech!

10th In addition to general and human intelligence again breakthrough Discoveries in biology made! The G-cartilage of the woman was discovered and immediately covered. Sun schöööön isser then again, not now.

11th It should satisfy himself that the DJ, which one hires the Gothic area under iconic Gothic-Mucke NOT "Thriller" from Michael Jackson knows! Because remember: even if the singer in his own lifetime was in the stage of full-body resolution, this does not mean that he is determined to enqueues smoothly into the lineup of bands like Samsas Traum, Eisheilig or Lacrimas Profundere .
ABBA is one way, not in the target group "Gothic" - not even with a lot of good will. -

12th And last but not least: Günni Smirchtel and have once again a wonder of art accomplished makeup artist to the visitors: who entered with a healthy complexion nor the torture chamber, changed When you see the exquisite little things in the baskets before the remains of the rack the complexion.
Whether it was also because that Günni specifically adapted to the evisceration of the victim hearty bite of the chocolate pudding filled with pork intestines, or at least to the Smirchtel of the feet, the visitor is struck bloody pig livers. - We do not know - the victim / refuse visitors currently not only solid foods but also any statement.

is certain, however: Never Give Günni a bloody pig's tongue in your hand! For in this way then relish the bare shoulders of unsuspecting visitors licked. Which have incidentally noticed until then not at all that they have been since bezüngelt with real material.

Had I actually mentioned that it was my pleasure, the so angeschlabberte lady of quality und Echtheit des an ihr  eingesetzten Züngleins aufzuklären??? - 



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