Genre: m / m (yaoi / slash original in book form); Fantasy
order to feed his family, the young Scarlet spends the summer away from home and return only at the onset of winter. Normally he is active as a hawker then to even now do its share to the livelihood of his loved ones. But this year everything is different: A gang of robbers ruled the pass, the Scarlett on his way to the city would have to cross. meets
When the infamous captain of the gang, Liall, for the first time Scarlett, he is impressed by the beauty of the young man and asks in jest a kiss as road tolls. A price that the star-headed Scarlett refused him quite definitely. Instead, Scarlett tried in many ways yet to cross the pass. Only to be caught each time at the last moment by the robbers. And with every failed attempt is also increasing the price Liall calls from him ...
My opinion:
To be honest, I was not particularly impressed by this book. I have perhaps a little too much to expect it, after it had been recommended to me several times and the meetings to be very positive in general.
This is a typical story in an online form that uses a lot of popular clichés. You can feel it mainly the characters: Scarlett is small, petite, pretty and delicate, Liall tall, muscular and masculine. The classic constellation that is to be found mainly in YAOI-manga you. I know that many like that combination, I personally annoying this type of couple. Especially if, as here, is the delicate character so effeminate that they would have to change a few words to make it a typical hetero-romance.
As you can imagine from the title already: The story is based on the fairy tale of Little Red Riding Hood and many scenes are based on the fairy tale. This is a nice idea and usually very amusing implemented, such as when Scarlett herself dressed as a grandmother, to deceive the big, bad wolf.
In itself, the book would be a nice love story. Nothing special, but still entertaining reading material. If not for one detail: It is the first of a trilogy, and unfortunately not really complete (also, things like Lialls and Scarlett's first night on gemeiname almost foolishly delayed - it will indeed offer something in Volume 2 can). I have browsed to the unsatisfactory end of the book a bit and have come to realize that this is essentially a single in three parts, chopped story is. This is something that really irritates me. I know the author will make this little book in small quantities, no fortune, but I see it as a non-reader to pay 30 € to read a single story that this is not so good I would feel that this amount be appropriate.
Despite great cover and, despite the curiosity of the end of the first volume is definitely there: I'm going to another book of the trilogy Yet.
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