Sunday, July 20, 2008

Franchise Agreement Templates


I had finally started to like myself, in appearance and in character. I had to create solid goals and I wanted no matter how something great, wonderful. I was full of power and energy. I loved life and I enjoyed it.
But then I became what I loved so much that what I have done, what I was longing for years for me and what I have finally found the courage to live happily, I weggenohmen just before my eyes My family and friends. I was mentally abused and attacked in such a way that I cried every night because the pressure is too high.
I have no more self-confidence. I'm trying, just by my clothes and my make-up, although I was totally against earlier to hide. I hate myself. Every second I'm loszuheulen wide. According to their opinion I am a liar and a murderer. What can I say? I was suddenly very stylish and in my loud and confident voice was just a little mouse voice. I can not the group defended my opinion. Wen interrested been my opinion because I'm lying so persistent? I do not know me anymore. Everyone sees in me a different person. And that hurts me, but unfortunately no one understands. I myself do not understand why YOU have done this to me without speaking to me and to spread any lies. Honestly, I hate them all, but I try to suppress what in me creates even more unrest. I see them in the eye and think only ashamed " which are not? why do they laugh? why not apologize? Why are they doing as if nothing had happened? ". No one understands me. Now I know I've nothing erreiche.Ich goals, but from which nothing will. I do not care whether I live or not. I am all I care because I hate the whole world and every human being. For YOU satisfied? ..


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