Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Can You Go To Uni At 17

wuhuuu> 0

jaaaaaaa ..* cough *

summer !!!!!!?... SUMMER (?) VACATION? Ö.ö
it rains all the time and it is no wonder that many people are now totally depressed ö___ö

I SUN wants to, although not such a SUN man am .. but I want to die; __;
I miss that sun rays, which have a blind and brown> 3 \u0026lt;
I miss the birds which are so loud rumsingen> _ \u0026lt;
I miss the scent of flowers ;___;

this is soo sad, 3, and soon I will have
BurzelTag> __ \u0026lt;
and whom I owe so a bad weather? na man of course! ö.Ö.. or are there but the Außererdische? @ _ @

well I am looking forward to sometimes einwenig> _ \u0026lt;
final soon I get my contact lenses * _ * \u0026lt;3
and my sea state has been getting worse again .. now I have already -2 ö.Ö.. Last year I had -1 xDDD ... according to the Optekerin, it may be that my sea state is worse again, because the institutions to grow to 23 to the age I will be damned ;___;... soon blind >___\u0026lt;
.. anyway but it was such a nice feeling when I had the contact lenses to__@.. I could see everything so clear to see .. I had to laugh then with joy: D I'll get

soon a Braces \u0026lt;3
I need it very urgently, because otherwise I get strong jaw damage, 3,
I hope that our health insurance paid for the round ;__;.. if not, then it stupid

Ahja today I have my testimony * _ *.. average 2.6 * o *.. naja bad, but anyway .. I am very happy that I'm in the 11 class \u0026lt;3. and was at my MSA average 2.25 \u0026lt;3 * *... ö in German, I've got a 3! ? *_*.. Crass or .. I was soo happy: D

soo sorry for all the mistakes
please comment me; D

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Bmi Flight Consumer Report

2 long weeks no school * ö * j-shock

weeks yay yay .. .. for the past two I have no school and then come HOLIDAY> , 0 \u0026lt;
* smile *

I was the first week for workshops on the art photography ...
It has full of fun .. especially the day where you could edit the pictures on the PC> 3 \u0026lt;

I would like to now put some pictures online_@.. but somehow it does not work, ö;

People . at the art workshops were really nice and some were real tele ö.Ö. benefits for the first time I experience live, that a boy interested in art Ö__ö .. somehow full of great (!): D

Our photos are then in a irgendso Gallery in an art-school hang *_*.. I am somehow x3

Yay on Saturday I had the performance in the theater * _ *
I boah was so excited x3
almost all have the text password and we kammen confused often, but somehow the audience have not noticed. D. have in the end even cried because of the theater piece very sad v__v

was the end I almost cried because my brother came .. I was very glad, but not thereafter, because my brother and my mother had to fight so necessarily v___v .. I almost started to cry. . well that I did not do it .. somehow it annoys me very much .. I say just now that I have currently no Famillie! ..

and this week I was in arts workshop * _ * and I'm doing bass
I have now noticed that I do not Talent to play bass XDD
but no matter .. I want it .. and if a person wants something, he also manages to
x3 I have to practice practice and practice only> __ \u0026lt;

And somehow I have to much much spare time Zuu ö_ö .. I do not know what to do xD I'm lazy and still do xD

The best I would walk all day *_*.. go but with whom? xD .. all alone is boring x3

I would really like to walk with someone through gaaaaanz Berlin would be very interesting to determine the *_*.. ^___^.. but unfortunately almost none that I know so much time ;__;.. somehow sad .. maybe I do it all alone und höre dabei Musik *_*..hmmm vielleicht mache ich das am Donnerstag..ich hoffe ich verlaufe mich nicht xDD