I noticed now that I've forgotten the title, which I read in May. Namely:
Karen Lowachee: The Gaslight Dogs
Genre: Fantasy
The Gaslight Dogs play in a world in which a highly developed nation, and eventually all displaced indigenous people (the reference to North America and the Indians is obvious). The focus is a young girl from the people of Aniw (like the Inuit) who is kidnapped and brought him on a pretext, the capital of the Kolonalherren. There will a general, that they teach their special skills to her son: She wears the soul of a dog in him, whose shape can have them too.
shall take another two figures. The Anew-girl on one side and the unhappy, inwardly torn son on the other. The book is not a love story, as one might think. It is a rather dreary novel in which moves little and often happens even less. But winning the figures and the concept of the world in depth. Ultimately you have to "Gaslight Dogs see as a prelude to a trilogy, because as a single novel, it would be a rather disappointing, half-cooked book. A little bit of it suffers from the fact that this really divine cover, the title and some preset expectation of "Steampunk / Gaslight with Inuit" awakened and this is definitely not. Gas Lights come only once in the clause, otherwise this aspect does not really matter - and Steam Punk is not it twice already. Recommended for people who like Robin Hobb, there are so used when little is happening. Funnily enough, I wrote the book because of the setting also Hobbs' Shaman's Crosisng remembers. In the 600 pages but almost nothing happens during Lowachee satisfied there is with 300.
addictive: No, not directly
Episode Purchase: Yes, I think so
I wonder yes I still zuzulegen the much praised "Warchild" and the successor to the author. But somehow I have too expensive to try at random.
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