already terribly long ... nothing written here. The combination of notorious lack of time, and Twitter is fatal. Before the effort of a whole LJ / DW-entry makes is one then it simply satisfied with 140 characters. At least
The comment I will take for now and again:
Books in April
Genre: humorous urban fantasy Steam-punk thriller .... or so
brings to marry a werewolf a lot of shocking problems, must find the freshly baked Maccon Lady when her husband disappears one day without comment and leave them with a boorish Regiment soldiers in the courtyard. But soon, Alex has other problems: A mysterious "disease" spreads over all supernatural beings of London, are suddenly human again, and she, as a soulless, exactly this temporary effect may be produced by touching device, of course first to be suspected to be the culprit. Alexia Maccon remains no other choice than to investigate the matter ...
Up to half I was completely in love with this book. Even better than the first volume, because more crime than romance. However, not a very well-made thriller, as it turns out in the second half, for there the thing loses momentum and the resolution hardly surprising. BUT: Gail Carriger books are just so outrageously funny, charming and unusual that they must simply love. In the elegant men's clothing bearing inventor who has a striking effect on the ladies in their environment, has captured my heart by storm. As well as in the band before, the dandy-like vampire lord Akeldama with his preference for young, handsome, male victims and all other characters of these books. I'm in love!
addictive: I just say this: Cliff Hanger! (As if I continue not already bought the series would ...)
Episode Purchase: In September! Yay!
Genre: Urban Fantasy
short comment: figure straddles Mercy fights with pride intrigue, the death wish of a friend and manages time Again, to bargain trouble with people who are bigger and stronger than them.
better than its predecessor. Good tension building, great emotional development and implications. I look forward to the next volume!
addictive : The series is one of my absolute favorites, and it will remain for now.
Episode Purchase: next year ... so long there ... * Sigh *
Genre: Romance youth
Kate's father has decided that to quit his job and to advertise overpriced vitamin pills in the shopping center are life dream. The fact that he ruined his family financially so that he does not understand, he spreads even Kate permanently on the Help: She but her own problems. Her best friend is slim and beautiful came back from vacation and has sought cooler friends. And then there is Will, who had every girl in school has something that could never suffer the categories. Now he seems suddenly interested in her and Kate must find to be contrary to its charm and dimples but somehow is not immune. You may scold me
, but I love this youth romance with a serious undertone and some sugar, even if I go slow on the 30 (-_-). Perfect You surprised me positively. On the one hand, it was actually a fluffy romance with misunderstandings and break room kiss. On the other Page had the appearance of conflicts, especially within the family of Kate up a surprising depth. After I was Sarah Dessen lately too boring because they only copies itself, I have found with Elizabeth Scott my personal replacement drug.
addictive: It is a single novel, that is: No
Episode Purchase: Today I dragged two other Scott novels go home and look forward to welcoming Schmöker hours.
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