We put on the market for paranormal novels in recent months already seen some. The now somewhat out vampire sucking out the ranks so still ongoing. But outside of shapeshifters, witches, and Fae, we are already the more exotic Werd throat, satyrs and Gargoyles met. All these beings have not only made it into the Urban Fantasy, but also as a passionate lover in the Paranormal Romance.
And what's coming next? Zombies are one of the hot topics that are supposedly on the rise. Now I am absolutely no Zombiefan, but somehow I felt relieved that the time is an issue that can not be burned up in romance novels. I mean, who wants a lover, which resolves itself in pieces ... ewww!
Far from it, the ladies of the romantic genre will stop at nothing, and so appear at the end of the year:
Tired of boyfriends who drain you dry? Sick of guys who stay out all night howling at the moon? You can better Thurs Some men want you not only for your body, but your brains. Especially your brains.
It's true! There are men out there who care-early-rising, down-to-earth, indefatigable men who'll follow you for miles. They'll take the time to surprise you, over and over. One sniff of that perfume, and you'll have to use a shotgun to fight them off And then, once you get together, all they want is to share a nice meal. And another. And another.
Romeo and Juliet, eat your hearts out.
A writer like Katie MacAlister (the others I do not know) and let this blurb guess: It's not too serious. Still ... Almost I am tempted to read the thing, only to find out what you can do with romantic zombies.
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