... ist in der Regel von 8 - 0 beiniger Natur. Es sind Tierchen die sich - je nach Laune und körperlichem Vermögen - festsaugen, anheften, reinbeißen, Blut nippen, in Körperöffnungen kriechen und noch diverse andere drollige Verhaltensweisen zeigen.
Sind die ungebetenen Gäste erst mal am bzw. im Pferd, zeigt der Pferdehalter ähnlich possierliche Verhaltensweisen: er entwurmt, reißt ab, benützt Pliers and tweezers, sprays, ointments, tinctures clears, all hair areas up to a complete clear-cutting, uses essential oils and the very hard-boiled inject their poor through the above measures have completely disoriented ponies paste in the mouth or solutions into the veins.
But despite all the efforts they are there: the parasites. Today I would like a totally socially accepted and well camouflaged in the horse world established parasite report: the Flechtmilbe .
Yes, you read correctly. Apart from the mange, house dust, grave- and feather mites, small onion bulb mite, the Horn mites and mites, the red mite and the famous since the Celtics and to hold social events and curses used runes mite and probably the most hated most mites at all - the tick - live it ( most completely unknown subspecies) social life is now completely integrated into the rider in the long hair of our four-legged hay inhalers.
warm with the first sunny days start to the industrious 8-legged rascal with the nest. The males gather here on each other (similar to the weavers in Africa) in colossal Hair structures, they build from the long hair of the affected horses.
Also here: the magnificent and luxurious nest made from hand-braided hair, the more likely the female is inclined to condescend and to take a second look at the scab of small builders. This squats - even out of breath from his construction - clutching a hair root inside and can only hope that enough of his artistic links - added encoder ground even for little mite Income on adjusted - distract exterior.
is hardly the lovely lady in the interior of its nest arrived and still marvel at the pointed arch corbelled, the dome and the Byzantine system of columns mane hair falls to the builder on the unsuspecting and distracted them with a guide from the catacombs of the hair follicles.
There is the extreme: he shows her his collection of hair follicles ... The rest we want to conceal from child-protection reasons - who knows whether children read along ...
But how can I tell if my horse is infected with Flechtmilbe?
Now that this is a highly scientific articles, we add for the record a couple of document images one. If they like it or braids in the mane, the tail, or (if a Tinker, Shire, etc) is found even in the ears of their four-legged biotopes, we will only express a : our condolences.
each in the picture above, the mane after primary infection. First Verzwirbelungen are already visible. The Flechtmilbenbock has already begun painstakingly prepare the single hair weichzukauen and thus its structure to the later construction process.
The next stage is reached. Individual Strands are intertwined. Thus, the male working section by section through the mane of the infected horse.
The final stage:
is here to do anything, for even an instant complete shearing of the mane does nothing more. Unnoticed because the Flechtmilbenbock a small second home has created deep in the south of the Horse:
here he flees on hot summer days, when it gets too warm in Mähnenbau simple. The tiny mites are - contrary to popular opinion - quite sensitive to weather. Hot weather suggests, to mind again and leads to biting attacks that cause severe itching in horses. To what extent this is a direct relationship with the summer eczema, will be to prove it ...
What can I do if my horse is infected with Flechtmilben? tries
The owner of this infested Flechtmilben Tinkers it with the simplest of solutions:
a tick collar for dogs in the tail of their heavily infested Tinkers has bound. However, whether this can prevent the mites flechtsüchtigen Bock of its construction, remains in doubt.
Over the centuries, only a way for the owner has one been found infested with Flechtmilben horse (in addition to emergency slaughter):
Maybe you just meet with a few fellow sufferers on a "tournament" ( short for T the reef u nder r äudigem n estbaubetreibendem i mpertinentem E kelgetier those suffering R eitpferdebesitzer). Contrary to popular belief, there are no means the skill of horse and rider are compared and evaluated. NO: It will be partly better - sometimes worse successful - nest building of male Flechtmilben on display.
successful Knotenbau right of a juvenile Flechtmilbenbockes - here and there a little disheveled in execution, but in some years, certainly an ornament to his profession:
here already advanced significantly - with a small balcony on the front of the Horse:
And now a very rare semi-detached solution directly on the crest. This Flechtmilbenbock got a prize for the best utilization of space available on the relatively short Crest of the mold:
horse owners who have not yet Flechtmilbe travel, extra in from far away to infect your pet with a specially licensed Flechtmilbenbock! Naturally, because what is currently a most vile crest dangel be long hair of her horse she can currently hope for no front place in the tournament. There remains only the infection with the Flechtmilbe and hope for a successful show season in 2010 ....
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