My reading low is finally over. I can actually sit down again for several hours at a stretch and browse without being disturbed. So I finally am beginning with my book reviews here.
And today's candidates are:
John Green: An Abundance (after 19 failed attempts)
Genre: Young Adult (Young Adult Literature)
content :
Colin is highly talented. He learned languages easily in a few days, has a penchant for anagrams and for girls named Katherine. Nineteen times he had more or less long relationship with Katherine, which have left him in the end.
The last time the relationship lasted almost a year and Colin had already begun to hope he will soon after leaving school again met by a Katherine deep into the heartache.
his best friend Hassan, a Muslim, but not a terrorist (as he always stressed) sees no other option but to catch Colin and him on a tour across America to take through. You stranded in a small village with the lovely name of Gutshot and Hassan learns that the restrictions of the Muslim faith is difficult to resist the temptations of everyday life and Colin begin to develop a mathematical theorem, which one human relations can correctly predict, in the end but finds that life is not predictable, as he would like to ...
comment :
A great book. Just what I needed to pull me from a deep reading. The novel is written very well, a bit absurd and incredibly funny. I had to laugh out loud several times and could hardly put the book out of hand. A very nice over the Roman Growing up, the one beyond the age teenagers can still read with pleasure.
I love the Hanser-Verlag for its beautiful cover and the cool title (which I like even better than the English: "An Abundance of Katherines"). Both have made sure that I have this book (unlike its predecessor the "Looking for Alaska") really wanted to read.
addictive: It is not a series, but the author definitely appeals to me
Episode Purchase: has not taken place yet, but John Green's other two novels are on my wish list.
Nora "Snow White" Wolff: Chain me
Genre: Yaoi original, illustrated light novel, Romance
Florian has again persuaded: With his friends Freddy and Thomas, he attended the "Tie Me Up" party of a trendy nightclub, where one can chain the girl he was easy and comfortable to the wrist tow. Actually, Florian to this event so do not fancy. Still alive are the memories of the last time when he had chained themselves to drunken despair to the wrist of the go-go dancer Rick attractive and wake up early in the morning with no memory afterward on his own doorstep had. Therefore, Florin occurs early in the flight and landed unexpectedly on the arm of his dream guy who is really excited but they do not ...
A book that I had not read, it would not Scarabae dragged at our book fair visit with them. The cover image I found Sweet, who had a little too sensational title not bode well for me. Nevertheless, I asked her to book me the borrow and the moment I had a nose in there, I could not put aside. What the reader is expecting a sugar-sweet, well-written original. I could not say that it would be particularly original, but that does not matter. The author had a cute idea, exploring them with a good timing and endearing characters. The story is written through quite well. A small exception is the prologue, the bumps somewhat. You can tell that the author is the later first-person perspective better by far. But one little chapter can get over it, especially since this is a small, but by looking light, but nice trick is a writer. From the first page, it's fun and Rick Florian accompany. Successful dialogues get moving and make the characters alive. The author also has a good sense of love scenes in which she finds the right words to describe not only the physical act but also the feelings of the boys. For the rest of the book: The illustrations are really successful. Although the heads seemed a little large for the body, but otherwise the protagonists have been captured beautifully. What I really was great to see, is that with "Cursed Publishing" apparently finally a German yaoi small publishing house, which is doing really well. The optics of the thin strip is so good that the book is also available to publications that can accommodate "big ones". Apart from a few flaws that you probably hinbekommt only with professional programs, the book is beautifully set, the text has been proofread well, and obviously the pressure is clean. Of 5.95 € and the price is unbeatable and would be even with an increase of 1-2 € still really great. Keep it up! ;) In conclusion I can only say: If a weakness for romantic yaoi original money and is willing to pay for it, should do so now. Although not perfect, but a really nice little novel that people will take more time on hand.
addictive: Da, but I can well live with
Episode Purchase: There will be a volume 2 and the well is determined bought
Yasmine Galenorn: The Witch (Sisters of the Moon, Volume 1)
Genre: Paranormal Romance
The three sisters, Camille, Delilah Menolly and contribute to human and half Feenblut in itself. The result is that their Sidhe heritage common to all three in different ways and intensity. Delilah is a Werkatze, Menolly was a few years ago to the vampire and Camille, the narrator of this first volume is a witch whose spells a quite unreliable effect. The sisters were transferred for disciplinary reasons by the secret world of fairies, the AND, on the ground and go there for all secular professions. But when they learn one day that tear demon lord Ebonroc the power for himself will have to intervene, the three girls ...
Gääääähn. Flat Ironed Mainstream Romance Paranormal. The success of this novel in America I can only taste the indifference of many fans to explain the genre. Camille and her sisters are two-dimensional silhouette target with fad, stumble through a lame plot and an over-populated world with no real concept. Not that Galenorn would not have some nice ideas, but it's a lousy writer either expired or the senseless mass production, because this book is plate-assembly-line product. (A more detailed review shortly in the Red Salon)
addictive: zero, zero, not vorahnden
Episode Purchase: Band 2, I (as Volume 1) get as Leseex, but I will use the Devil and do the reading too.
And coming soon:
Wessar Christine, Elizabeth Berg: The Prisoner in the fire circle (or: Jainoh + Aphelion: The Tree of Life) [read but not reviewed]
Ilona Andrews: Magic Strikes [Read the prisoners]
RW Day: A Strong and Sudden Thaw [to 2/3 gelesen, kleines Spannungstief...]
Christoph Hardebusch: Sturmwelten [neuerlicher Versuch mit einem deutschen Autor, gerade erst angefangen]
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