waaaah .. that was so great *_*..* swarm *
times I tell you everything vn beginning xDD
and also show you some pictures x33
jaaa on that day had TsuTsuu b-day .. I comb to 14:20 in the K17 and I congratulate them and we won as new friends xD
as we saw before us all happy .. from 10 to minutes before inlet to us you said that juvenile under 16 have no access-ö.Ö.. tjaaa and I'm still 15 xDDD
what have we done? my student ID card fake xDDD from 1991 in 1987 .. .. ö_ö awesome right? xDDD
So I was able to clean *_*.. and I was in the first row *_*.. yay .. just before the amp or something xDD and I was right xDDDD TsuTsuu and left .. because she wanted to Hibiki x3
So the first band was the guitarist *_*.. waaaah BAAL .. hehe .. he rocks it has just sat in front of me sit on the amplifier with gespreitzen_@.. legs I had his hand in his shoes, his guitar and his legs touched xDD
YAY then comb Calmando torment
waaah at tak you could see the ass xDDD
he was awesome .. but he wanted to give almost no plek ö.ö
xDDD and Hibiki was awesome xDDD first he scared us all ... he is the amplifier rumgewandelt .. yay doing, I clapped him on the ass, which I think he was cool ö.Ö.. that on the right side of the stage he has the po xDDD
his fans showed he has the finger licked by Kai and then the stage überschmutzige -__-.. was ecklig .. but wützig xD
Waaaah Came Sisen * _ *
he is soooooo süüüß
first He has all the fans signing autographs on stage .. luv \u0026lt;3
and then he hung up the plates and
xDDD soo danced süüüß * _ *
* ________________________*
then at the end was the autograph session .. hehe * _ *
as Sisen from the stage to comb the table (where you were the autographs), we introduced me to him such a conversation:
I: Je t'aime!
Sisen: ö__ö .. je t'aime ... je t'aime
Me: je t'aime!
Sisen: Grien * * * * go to the table full of cute
xDDDD waaah x333
Ahja and when I was in it .. he has my groooßen back sack seen (yes I came from school xD) and ran to me and then we had such a conversation:
Sisen: *
my bag from the bottom betasch *..* something in Japanese chatterbox, like so "is uuui your pocket serious' *
Me: * laughing * had
Are you ok?
Me: yes, i am fine xDD
here some photos and autographs of Sisen: Commentary
then comb Calmando painful .. just awesome x3
waaah was so awesome .. I always thought only hrrrr GREAT> 3 \u0026lt;
pour mon amie:
Everyone / each band asked me if I'm doing good .. ö.Ö. .. I then asked me if I look sooo done, that others think I was completely exhausted ... but somehow TsuTsuu just said: maybe it's because of your hand ö.ö ".. what .. I was actually agreed verartztet .. but now the hand is better .. waaah because Sisen x3
Sisen and I've given Mikey Way because of the alien .. x33 .. he is sooo LÜB
so that was the correct v__v
sorry for error> ___
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