11 Class @ __ @
Wuhaa .. I'm in the 11 class! Ö_Ö .. I feel so grown up xDD .. the teachers do with all of us to contact you !!...;__;.. I do not like it because I want to stay young and knakisch xDD
ok ..* cough * is .. my schedule really awesome xDD .. so is the never-never boring xDD
Here's my schedule:
0.stunde: /
1st lesson: English
2.St: Russian
3.St: French
4.St: Math
5.St: Russian
6.St: Russian
7.St: Chemistry
8.St: Role Play
9.st: Role Play
0.St: /
1.St: /
2.St: /
3.St: German
4.St: Geography
5.St: Math
6.st: History
7.st: Latin
8.st: Latin
0.st: English
1.St Arts
2.St: Art
3.St: Physics
4.St: Chemistry
5.St: History
6.St: German
7.St: Geography
8.St: Biology
o.st: Latin
1.St: Latin
2.St: Physics
3.St: French
4th St: Biology
5.St: Russian
6.St: Sports
7.St: Math
8.St: German
o.St: /
1.St: French
2.St: Russian
3.St: Sports
4.St: English
5.St Arts
6.St Arts
is real love xDDD
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Am Pregnant And Have Malaria
My sweet: D ~ ~
jaa .. höhöhö
clock at 7.26 to 8 years before 16, I saw the world in an Uzbek hospital where the hygiene is the pure disaster xD
was welcomed at 7.26 .2007 me my mother with flowers and went to work while I slept on. At 11 clock girlfriend called me a (LiLi) and wanted me to go to the movie The Simpsons * _ * I was very happy and was clearly in agreement .. so I prepared a fruit basket for me and LiLi, which we then during ways of comprehending the movie @ _ @. The film was great * _ * especially the voice of Arnold Schwarzneggar @ _ @ After that walk we went and I bought for LiLi a vegetarian kebab-pizza and then we took pictures, which can be seen in myspace; D. the time went. over quickly and I had been home waiting for me x3
At home my ma with many pockets, which vollgestopf of things with my brother were and what I would of course carry one .. phuu was exhausting .. I even sweated xDD
the Internet waiting for me already .. many congratulations on myspace even congratulated by some indie bands I've been so looking like *_*.. should an apple cake \u0026lt;3. Rena (\u0026lt;3) has even made in her LiveJournal an extra entry for me ;__;.. i luv u \u0026lt;3. thank you> __ \u0026lt;thank
On 07/27/2007 my B-day is now celebrated with the Famillie xD
I first got up here and gefrückstückt Unhappily Ever After (\u0026lt;3) xD watched
After some hours already got my brother and I had to help him all his stuff clean clock to 17:30! What we have not even done .. my brother has a lot of things zuuuu> 3> .. anyway my mother of course was not so happy with it .. whatever .. xD Then we went to the Asia-Restourant where I got vieeele Gifts \u0026lt; 3
From my mother I gotten earrings, contact lenses (normal), bracelet, a stuffed lion (name: Leopold) again and jewelry and a poem about angels: D.. From 50 €
my brother xDD .. he did not make me buy a gift xD
From my aunt, cousin and cousin € 70 and braces .. xDD toll \u0026lt;3
and plum wine from the restaurant! Krass .. now you get alcohol as a B-day gift xDDD
later I still get a print scanner \u0026lt;3
On 31/07/2007 I agreed with TsuTsuu me, which of course also had a gift for me and indeed a Gazette-Ruki fan with image on it * o * lüüübe
We were then in the Dali-Ausstehlund \u0026lt;3 he is sooooo krass genial.> 3 \u0026lt;
and then we were eating ofcourse: D
at 1.9 I still get a Rena b-day gift .. even though I've had enough already, they *__*.. to see again I miss Rena and Tsantali> 3 \u0026lt;
Zuu müüüür x3
koomt so that's all: D
sry for all the mistakes
jaa .. höhöhö
clock at 7.26 to 8 years before 16, I saw the world in an Uzbek hospital where the hygiene is the pure disaster xD
was welcomed at 7.26 .2007 me my mother with flowers and went to work while I slept on. At 11 clock girlfriend called me a (LiLi) and wanted me to go to the movie The Simpsons * _ * I was very happy and was clearly in agreement .. so I prepared a fruit basket for me and LiLi, which we then during ways of comprehending the movie @ _ @. The film was great * _ * especially the voice of Arnold Schwarzneggar @ _ @ After that walk we went and I bought for LiLi a vegetarian kebab-pizza and then we took pictures, which can be seen in myspace; D. the time went. over quickly and I had been home waiting for me x3
At home my ma with many pockets, which vollgestopf of things with my brother were and what I would of course carry one .. phuu was exhausting .. I even sweated xDD
the Internet waiting for me already .. many congratulations on myspace even congratulated by some indie bands I've been so looking like *_*.. should an apple cake \u0026lt;3. Rena (\u0026lt;3) has even made in her LiveJournal an extra entry for me ;__;.. i luv u \u0026lt;3. thank you> __ \u0026lt;thank
On 07/27/2007 my B-day is now celebrated with the Famillie xD
I first got up here and gefrückstückt Unhappily Ever After (\u0026lt;3) xD watched
After some hours already got my brother and I had to help him all his stuff clean clock to 17:30! What we have not even done .. my brother has a lot of things zuuuu> 3> .. anyway my mother of course was not so happy with it .. whatever .. xD Then we went to the Asia-Restourant where I got vieeele Gifts \u0026lt; 3
From my mother I gotten earrings, contact lenses (normal), bracelet, a stuffed lion (name: Leopold) again and jewelry and a poem about angels: D.. From 50 €
my brother xDD .. he did not make me buy a gift xD
From my aunt, cousin and cousin € 70 and braces .. xDD toll \u0026lt;3
and plum wine from the restaurant! Krass .. now you get alcohol as a B-day gift xDDD
later I still get a print scanner \u0026lt;3
On 31/07/2007 I agreed with TsuTsuu me, which of course also had a gift for me and indeed a Gazette-Ruki fan with image on it * o * lüüübe
We were then in the Dali-Ausstehlund \u0026lt;3 he is sooooo krass genial.> 3 \u0026lt;
and then we were eating ofcourse: D
at 1.9 I still get a Rena b-day gift .. even though I've had enough already, they *__*.. to see again I miss Rena and Tsantali> 3 \u0026lt;
Zuu müüüür x3
koomt so that's all: D
sry for all the mistakes
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Can You Go To Uni At 17
wuhuuu> 0
jaaaaaaa ..* cough *
summer !!!!!!?... SUMMER (?) VACATION? Ö.ö
it rains all the time and it is no wonder that many people are now totally depressed ö___ö
I SUN wants to, although not such a SUN man am .. but I want to die; __;
I miss that sun rays, which have a blind and brown> 3 \u0026lt;
I miss the birds which are so loud rumsingen> _ \u0026lt;
I miss the scent of flowers ;___;
this is soo sad, 3, and soon I will have
BurzelTag> __ \u0026lt;
and whom I owe so a bad weather? na man of course! ö.Ö.. or are there but the Außererdische? @ _ @
well I am looking forward to sometimes einwenig> _ \u0026lt;
final soon I get my contact lenses * _ * \u0026lt;3
and my sea state has been getting worse again .. now I have already -2 ö.Ö.. Last year I had -1 xDDD ... according to the Optekerin, it may be that my sea state is worse again, because the institutions to grow to 23 to the age I will be damned ;___;... soon blind >___\u0026lt;
.. anyway but it was such a nice feeling when I had the contact lenses to__@.. I could see everything so clear to see .. I had to laugh then with joy: D I'll get
soon a Braces \u0026lt;3
I need it very urgently, because otherwise I get strong jaw damage, 3,
I hope that our health insurance paid for the round ;__;.. if not, then it stupid
Ahja today I have my testimony * _ *.. average 2.6 * o *.. naja bad, but anyway .. I am very happy that I'm in the 11 class \u0026lt;3. and was at my MSA average 2.25 \u0026lt;3 * *... ö in German, I've got a 3! ? *_*.. Crass or .. I was soo happy: D
soo sorry for all the mistakes
please comment me; D
jaaaaaaa ..* cough *
summer !!!!!!?... SUMMER (?) VACATION? Ö.ö
it rains all the time and it is no wonder that many people are now totally depressed ö___ö
I SUN wants to, although not such a SUN man am .. but I want to die; __;
I miss that sun rays, which have a blind and brown> 3 \u0026lt;
I miss the birds which are so loud rumsingen> _ \u0026lt;
I miss the scent of flowers ;___;
this is soo sad, 3, and soon I will have
BurzelTag> __ \u0026lt;
and whom I owe so a bad weather? na man of course! ö.Ö.. or are there but the Außererdische? @ _ @
well I am looking forward to sometimes einwenig> _ \u0026lt;
final soon I get my contact lenses * _ * \u0026lt;3
and my sea state has been getting worse again .. now I have already -2 ö.Ö.. Last year I had -1 xDDD ... according to the Optekerin, it may be that my sea state is worse again, because the institutions to grow to 23 to the age I will be damned ;___;... soon blind >___\u0026lt;
.. anyway but it was such a nice feeling when I had the contact lenses to__@.. I could see everything so clear to see .. I had to laugh then with joy: D I'll get
soon a Braces \u0026lt;3
I need it very urgently, because otherwise I get strong jaw damage, 3,
I hope that our health insurance paid for the round ;__;.. if not, then it stupid
Ahja today I have my testimony * _ *.. average 2.6 * o *.. naja bad, but anyway .. I am very happy that I'm in the 11 class \u0026lt;3. and was at my MSA average 2.25 \u0026lt;3 * *... ö in German, I've got a 3! ? *_*.. Crass or .. I was soo happy: D
soo sorry for all the mistakes
please comment me; D
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Bmi Flight Consumer Report
2 long weeks no school * ö * j-shock
weeks yay yay .. .. for the past two I have no school and then come HOLIDAY> , 0 \u0026lt;
* smile *
I was the first week for workshops on the art photography ...
It has full of fun .. especially the day where you could edit the pictures on the PC> 3 \u0026lt;
I would like to now put some pictures online_@.. but somehow it does not work, ö;
People . at the art workshops were really nice and some were real tele ö.Ö. benefits for the first time I experience live, that a boy interested in art Ö__ö .. somehow full of great (!): D
Our photos are then in a irgendso Gallery in an art-school hang *_*.. I am somehow x3
Yay on Saturday I had the performance in the theater * _ *
I boah was so excited x3
almost all have the text password and we kammen confused often, but somehow the audience have not noticed. D. have in the end even cried because of the theater piece very sad v__v
was the end I almost cried because my brother came .. I was very glad, but not thereafter, because my brother and my mother had to fight so necessarily v___v .. I almost started to cry. . well that I did not do it .. somehow it annoys me very much .. I say just now that I have currently no Famillie! ..
and this week I was in arts workshop * _ * and I'm doing bass
I have now noticed that I do not Talent to play bass XDD
but no matter .. I want it .. and if a person wants something, he also manages to
x3 I have to practice practice and practice only> __ \u0026lt;
And somehow I have to much much spare time Zuu ö_ö .. I do not know what to do xD I'm lazy and still do xD
The best I would walk all day *_*.. go but with whom? xD .. all alone is boring x3
I would really like to walk with someone through gaaaaanz Berlin would be very interesting to determine the *_*.. ^___^.. but unfortunately almost none that I know so much time ;__;.. somehow sad .. maybe I do it all alone und höre dabei Musik *_*..hmmm vielleicht mache ich das am Donnerstag..ich hoffe ich verlaufe mich nicht xDD
weeks yay yay .. .. for the past two I have no school and then come HOLIDAY> , 0 \u0026lt;
* smile *
I was the first week for workshops on the art photography ...
It has full of fun .. especially the day where you could edit the pictures on the PC> 3 \u0026lt;
I would like to now put some pictures online_@.. but somehow it does not work, ö;
People . at the art workshops were really nice and some were real tele ö.Ö. benefits for the first time I experience live, that a boy interested in art Ö__ö .. somehow full of great (!): D
Our photos are then in a irgendso Gallery in an art-school hang *_*.. I am somehow x3
Yay on Saturday I had the performance in the theater * _ *
I boah was so excited x3
almost all have the text password and we kammen confused often, but somehow the audience have not noticed. D. have in the end even cried because of the theater piece very sad v__v
was the end I almost cried because my brother came .. I was very glad, but not thereafter, because my brother and my mother had to fight so necessarily v___v .. I almost started to cry. . well that I did not do it .. somehow it annoys me very much .. I say just now that I have currently no Famillie! ..
and this week I was in arts workshop * _ * and I'm doing bass
I have now noticed that I do not Talent to play bass XDD
but no matter .. I want it .. and if a person wants something, he also manages to
x3 I have to practice practice and practice only> __ \u0026lt;
And somehow I have to much much spare time Zuu ö_ö .. I do not know what to do xD I'm lazy and still do xD
The best I would walk all day *_*.. go but with whom? xD .. all alone is boring x3
I would really like to walk with someone through gaaaaanz Berlin would be very interesting to determine the *_*.. ^___^.. but unfortunately almost none that I know so much time ;__;.. somehow sad .. maybe I do it all alone und höre dabei Musik *_*..hmmm vielleicht mache ich das am Donnerstag..ich hoffe ich verlaufe mich nicht xDD
Sunday, June 24, 2007
1-wire Dongle Emulator
hellooo <3
today i will try to write in english for my some friends in myspace x3
At first i want to sorry about the mistakes etc
Very early at 4h morning we ( i , jenny and dilan @_@) were in cologne.There was a lot of people...it was very cold >__< and it started to rain..it was very horrible..~__~
but in the 15 am was the entrance <3
i was very happy
i and jenny we decided at first to go to the autograph-hour..it was horrible too >__<..a lot of people pushing and crying etc ..and so we didnt get an autograph and we couldnt give AnCafe the presents..we very sad about it v__v
But after it we found a way how we can give AnCafe the presents..we spoke to a security woman..and she say that she can give the presents to the managar from AnCafe and we were very happy x3
after it we went to the concert-hall and we was in the front-row but we stand too right that we have a side glance to the stage.For us it was not a problem because we had air xD and we have a lot of place so that we couldnt very good dance x3
The first Band was Guitar Wolf and they were drunken xDDD
they smoked and drunk bier and they destroied the stage xD
the bassist desroied his bass..ö_Ö..it was crazy xD
and than the guitarist took a fan to the stage and than this fun had to play the guitar *__*
For me Guitar Wolf were very great, but some didnt like it..ö.Ö
whatever..they are great! xD
The second band were Bis *__*
Maru is soooooo sexyyy *ö*
Tsukasa makes his hair blond xD it was funny
I was very surprised, because Bis were sooo energetic..they made all with power
( my english ist bad..i know >3<)
Maru jumped to the fans xD... but not in my side >3<
They are very cute and so i hope that they will come to germany again *_*
the third band was Girugämesh x3
They are great, too
but i missed the power..i don't know way..but for me it was a lil boring ö_ö
the bassist destroied his bass, too..xD
i didnt understand way ..poor bass ;__;
The Last Band was AnCafe!!!!!
woha they are sooo cute
Takyu is very cute..his smile is luv *3*
and yuuki..he was soo great and i have to say that yuuki is very beautifull and great!
AnCafe made a joke with yuuki
We have in Germany a comedian who looks like yuuki, but he has brown hair..and his name is Atze Schröder.
And now Ancafe call yuuki ATZE!! xD
(hier is a picture from Atze Schröder)
yuuki played keybord with power and he danced a lot so that the keybord fell twice xDD
it was soo cute x3
and so Ancafe made a pause and they began to speak with us in german *_*
they said us their name in german x3
and teruki say, thet germany is nice, have a lot of nature and ATZEEE!
and they he say to yuuki, that he is a bad guy, because the keybord fell twice xDD
it was very very funny x3
Miku demonstrated a legerdemain /@__@) with his underpants xDDDD
and he cast his underpant to the fans..but not to me ;__;
whatever xD
and then by the song smile ichiban ni onna miku was in my side (@_@) and i showed him a heart and he looked to me *Ö* and i think he saw my wound on my face and so he pet his cheek and they showed he at me i was sooo_@.. nyappy x3
so sorry for my bad english >__\u0026lt;...
x3 if you have a Guestion you can ask me: D
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Ikusa Otome Suvia 3 Watch
brother __;
wääh; __;
have today in cleaning up I found a stapler from my brother when he was 8 years old
(the booklet is from Uzbekistan)
How I understood it, the stapler is used to write about any issues and then give it to the teacher to control .. ö_ö
As I read the entire issue, I almost cried it was so sad; __;
I present times has the online what my brother wrote 8 years. (I translate that from Russian to German)
the first theme:
My little sister (so I xD)
I really love my little sister. She is 4 years alt.Sie is like in the Kindergarten.Ihr it is dort.Sie pumelig and pretty and funny. She is so cute and she's a smart girl.
(I almost cried when I read it did ..;__;.. brudeeer ah .. V_V)
second theme:
My mother.
My mother is very nice and very very klug.Sie hübsch.Sie always buys something, something Süßes.Meine mother always helps me as homework machen.Und why I always get one in the Hefter.Sie is very lieb.Wenn Mom gets money, she always goes to the bazaar. I do with my mother always beats me at home sauber.Meine mother never yells at me and they do not like my mother Vater.Meine the work can never Morgen.Wenn mom at home, then I feel soo better than ever . When I come home from school is always at home sauber.Meine mother works in the Universität.Meine mother smokes and she drinks too nicht.Meine mother always bought us cookies and peanuts with candy. It even goes in the strong wind kaufen.Und potato when it comes from work, she goes even my little sister abholen.Ich really love my mother.
(* crying *.. and Roma now what? .. Why do you argue now as often as I do not understand it .. ?..;__;.. vv)
third Topic:
My father.
My father left us Musiker.Er to 1 year and 6 months. He smokes a viel.In one day he smokes almost 4 Schachteln.Einmal he has almost the refrigerator he zerstört.Wenn of the work, we argue, my father and my mother Mutter.Als 10 000 Sum of Aunt Wilma genohmen added, the father money on alcohol ausgegeben.Manchmal he proposes is always on the sofa mich.Vater rum.Und if we ate all and then go to sleep, gets up my father and does the food.
; __;
I find it very sad .. v__v
now I understand why my brother has beaten me earlier .. no wonder, too .. I see my father so very similar >__>..* Puke *
But brother you do not realize that you always resemble your father ?..;__;
watch on brother!
one probably is true, too .. that one is always an enemy .. v__v
my brother is not read, but it's just me ..
sorry for all the errors
wääh; __;
have today in cleaning up I found a stapler from my brother when he was 8 years old
(the booklet is from Uzbekistan)
How I understood it, the stapler is used to write about any issues and then give it to the teacher to control .. ö_ö
As I read the entire issue, I almost cried it was so sad; __;
I present times has the online what my brother wrote 8 years. (I translate that from Russian to German)
the first theme:
My little sister (so I xD)
I really love my little sister. She is 4 years alt.Sie is like in the Kindergarten.Ihr it is dort.Sie pumelig and pretty and funny. She is so cute and she's a smart girl.
(I almost cried when I read it did ..;__;.. brudeeer ah .. V_V)
second theme:
My mother.
My mother is very nice and very very klug.Sie hübsch.Sie always buys something, something Süßes.Meine mother always helps me as homework machen.Und why I always get one in the Hefter.Sie is very lieb.Wenn Mom gets money, she always goes to the bazaar. I do with my mother always beats me at home sauber.Meine mother never yells at me and they do not like my mother Vater.Meine the work can never Morgen.Wenn mom at home, then I feel soo better than ever . When I come home from school is always at home sauber.Meine mother works in the Universität.Meine mother smokes and she drinks too nicht.Meine mother always bought us cookies and peanuts with candy. It even goes in the strong wind kaufen.Und potato when it comes from work, she goes even my little sister abholen.Ich really love my mother.
(* crying *.. and Roma now what? .. Why do you argue now as often as I do not understand it .. ?..;__;.. vv)
third Topic:
My father.
My father left us Musiker.Er to 1 year and 6 months. He smokes a viel.In one day he smokes almost 4 Schachteln.Einmal he has almost the refrigerator he zerstört.Wenn of the work, we argue, my father and my mother Mutter.Als 10 000 Sum of Aunt Wilma genohmen added, the father money on alcohol ausgegeben.Manchmal he proposes is always on the sofa mich.Vater rum.Und if we ate all and then go to sleep, gets up my father and does the food.
; __;
I find it very sad .. v__v
now I understand why my brother has beaten me earlier .. no wonder, too .. I see my father so very similar >__>..* Puke *
But brother you do not realize that you always resemble your father ?..;__;
watch on brother!
one probably is true, too .. that one is always an enemy .. v__v
my brother is not read, but it's just me ..
sorry for all the errors
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Nadine Jansen Decoration
sports festival xDD
jaaa .. today was sports day
I got up at 8 clock and then I went to the sports festival.
* _ *
The first discipline was shot put ... I wuhaaa lüüübe it \u0026lt;3
There, I've thrown at 5.37m * 3 *
The second discipline was Sprint ... I was sitting on a bench and have the other said that 100% fall down ... and this really happened then .. xDDD wuha I can see into the future .. höhö
In the first 2 meters I plunked down because I would always grab swing ... well then I plunked down and got the fall with my face I was held back ~___~
sau glad that my lip was not shared because of the piercing ... but this is my right side completely red and swollen and it does hurt sau> __ \u0026lt;
Here's a picture xD
Well now I have a good excuse why I come to the theater on Saturday ... because I'm going to be J-shock .. xDD
The autograph session, the one probably ask me whether I'm fine * _ *
Well that's it
sorry for error
jaaa .. today was sports day
I got up at 8 clock and then I went to the sports festival.
* _ *
The first discipline was shot put ... I wuhaaa lüüübe it \u0026lt;3
There, I've thrown at 5.37m * 3 *
The second discipline was Sprint ... I was sitting on a bench and have the other said that 100% fall down ... and this really happened then .. xDDD wuha I can see into the future .. höhö
In the first 2 meters I plunked down because I would always grab swing ... well then I plunked down and got the fall with my face I was held back ~___~
sau glad that my lip was not shared because of the piercing ... but this is my right side completely red and swollen and it does hurt sau> __ \u0026lt;
Here's a picture xD
Well now I have a good excuse why I come to the theater on Saturday ... because I'm going to be J-shock .. xDD
The autograph session, the one probably ask me whether I'm fine * _ *
Well that's it
sorry for error
Thursday, June 7, 2007
What Are Your Career Aspiration
~ the best english teacher forever? ~ ~ xD
today it was back in English GENIAL
The teacher I was just too sweet
I may listen to almost every other day as she loved me
but today it was just great xD
Our task today in English it could be explained by the relative clause, which I did not understand but because of "who" and "whose" @ _ @
the english teacher made me turn taken and I had to confess to her that I explain it can not because I do not understand have, as in our "grammar" book explains the relative rates ..
But because they made me sooo LÜB she said: "It's all explained foolproof!"
and looked at me with full of hatred .. and I was like, "I'm just an idiot or worse,"
hach .. is not the great teacher * _ * * puke *
According to her, I'm first? an idiot and worse .. 2 a silly Russian woman with a Russian accent soo much to speak English, that it no longer is English! ö.Ö. .. 3 I can the gender (that you or he) do not differ .. 4 I have some disease, because I when writing a text now consider the text in English, not my mother tongue .. 5.einfach too stupid to learn English .. .. ö_ö Ahja and I'm kinda so aggressive or so @ _ @ but in the negative sense meant
in oral region in English I have 6 xD and writing one probably 4-5 against ...
I do not want to sign me and then some of it silly to listen to a really silly comment ..
my Supposedly they should I memorize this "who" and "whose", because it is soo like mathematical formulas that you learn by heart .. ö_Ö .. then I say stop already .. since when do you math , formula to memorize, if you need to first understand why and when to start it? ö_Ö
so it's really brain-sick
and once she said the question formation in English is like in Russian Ö___Ö .. .. wtf? since when there are Russians AUXILIARY VERBS agencies in question? ö.Ö.. and said / she is still a Russian teacher ..@_@...
today it was back in English GENIAL
The teacher I was just too sweet
I may listen to almost every other day as she loved me
but today it was just great xD
Our task today in English it could be explained by the relative clause, which I did not understand but because of "who" and "whose" @ _ @
the english teacher made me turn taken and I had to confess to her that I explain it can not because I do not understand have, as in our "grammar" book explains the relative rates ..
But because they made me sooo LÜB she said: "It's all explained foolproof!"
and looked at me with full of hatred .. and I was like, "I'm just an idiot or worse,"
hach .. is not the great teacher * _ * * puke *
According to her, I'm first? an idiot and worse .. 2 a silly Russian woman with a Russian accent soo much to speak English, that it no longer is English! ö.Ö. .. 3 I can the gender (that you or he) do not differ .. 4 I have some disease, because I when writing a text now consider the text in English, not my mother tongue .. 5.einfach too stupid to learn English .. .. ö_ö Ahja and I'm kinda so aggressive or so @ _ @ but in the negative sense meant
in oral region in English I have 6 xD and writing one probably 4-5 against ...
I do not want to sign me and then some of it silly to listen to a really silly comment ..
my Supposedly they should I memorize this "who" and "whose", because it is soo like mathematical formulas that you learn by heart .. ö_Ö .. then I say stop already .. since when do you math , formula to memorize, if you need to first understand why and when to start it? ö_Ö
so it's really brain-sick
and once she said the question formation in English is like in Russian Ö___Ö .. .. wtf? since when there are Russians AUXILIARY VERBS agencies in question? ö.Ö.. and said / she is still a Russian teacher ..@_@...
Saturday, June 2, 2007
How To Make A Boat Steering System
is really crazy Lately it does not feel good. is what I think of
V_V My family left over goes down the drain ... If my brother
us (me and my mother) comes to visit .. catch my mother and my brother to always argue .. and in the end it is always so that my brother goes away again V_V and says that he will never come again.
I love my mother and my brother, but at the same time I hate it.
should always choose me, who has both the right and who is not.
should I always listen to all arguments @ _ @ and just listen and gcuken how everything breaks.
Following the dispute, if my brother has left us, my mother always gets chest pain, which is very bad >__\u0026lt;.. and so I always have to take care of her .. because she says she is more allegations .. and then it starts always at the bad times to remember that we had mostly in Uzbekistan ...
Some friends I say the mother was in my fFmillie .. xD can
But I can not ... I can not stand it emotionally
I do not know what I need> _ \u0026lt;
someone help me;? _;
maybe I'll soon delete this entry
sorry for all the errors
is really crazy Lately it does not feel good. is what I think of
V_V My family left over goes down the drain ... If my brother
us (me and my mother) comes to visit .. catch my mother and my brother to always argue .. and in the end it is always so that my brother goes away again V_V and says that he will never come again.
I love my mother and my brother, but at the same time I hate it.
should always choose me, who has both the right and who is not.
should I always listen to all arguments @ _ @ and just listen and gcuken how everything breaks.
Following the dispute, if my brother has left us, my mother always gets chest pain, which is very bad >__\u0026lt;.. and so I always have to take care of her .. because she says she is more allegations .. and then it starts always at the bad times to remember that we had mostly in Uzbekistan ...
Some friends I say the mother was in my fFmillie .. xD can
But I can not ... I can not stand it emotionally
I do not know what I need> _ \u0026lt;
someone help me;? _;
maybe I'll soon delete this entry
sorry for all the errors
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Obesity Animation Images
~ ~ ~ scary
I sit at home on pc and I find it only so> __ \u0026lt;
my eyes hurt tuen and I do not know why .. it feels as if someone at your eyes very easily with a needle pixen ;__;.. so you have to cry almost ...>___\u0026lt;.. argh
I sit and learn math and math__@... I'm starting to dream even pay> _ \u0026lt;
someone tell me why cosine is an expanded set of Pythagoras? ö__Ö
I have not figured out Nocht >___\u0026lt;
I watched soon and finally with all the tests done .. and on Thursday morning only math Russian >__\u0026lt;.. orally and then Pirates of the Caribbean 3 as a reward. D. I Looking forward to it
I hope will be my Prüfungsegebnisse / are good .. if not, then there even more stress on the mother ..;__;.. I can already visualize myself ... no internet and up to 12 clock evening with math, physics, chemistry, French, English, German terrible book in hand ;__;.. >.\u0026lt;.. then the government has begun by my mother so she can not do anything right ... why it has to make such a bloody torture .. Finally, they wanted to be a general Ö_Ö .. .. terrible> __ \u0026lt;
I hope the test is easy to think >___\u0026lt;
* positive *
currently my best friend xD
I sit at home on pc and I find it only so> __ \u0026lt;
my eyes hurt tuen and I do not know why .. it feels as if someone at your eyes very easily with a needle pixen ;__;.. so you have to cry almost ...>___\u0026lt;.. argh
I sit and learn math and math__@... I'm starting to dream even pay> _ \u0026lt;
someone tell me why cosine is an expanded set of Pythagoras? ö__Ö
I have not figured out Nocht >___\u0026lt;
I watched soon and finally with all the tests done .. and on Thursday morning only math Russian >__\u0026lt;.. orally and then Pirates of the Caribbean 3 as a reward. D. I Looking forward to it
I hope will be my Prüfungsegebnisse / are good .. if not, then there even more stress on the mother ..;__;.. I can already visualize myself ... no internet and up to 12 clock evening with math, physics, chemistry, French, English, German terrible book in hand ;__;.. >.\u0026lt;.. then the government has begun by my mother so she can not do anything right ... why it has to make such a bloody torture .. Finally, they wanted to be a general Ö_Ö .. .. terrible> __ \u0026lt;
I hope the test is easy to think >___\u0026lt;
* positive *
currently my best friend xD
Friday, May 25, 2007
Single Seat Dune Buggy
Aural Vampire Ayabie
jaaaaa on 19.5 ... it was so far .. ayabie Group * __ *
jedet I will not detail exactly tell from the Konzi and autograph session .. I will now only complaints * * bleating and thank !
complaint: all j-rock fans will grow up ..!
but it was pure horror on Ayabie! This Schubserei and shoving this ..>___\u0026lt;.. what's this all about?
then during the konzerstes try, all the people who are in the second and first row, to beat up just so to get into the first row Ö__Ö .. which is full inhuman! and then complain that even when given the says or the right beat is even more sick >__\u0026lt;... that!
And Aoi was almost torn to pieces! ..>__\u0026lt;.. .. Damn he is a man, as we believe it he is made of steel and has no feelings .. (that sounds stupid .. but at what should ever xD)
If I were one of Ayabie I would never want to return to Berlin / Germany back!
I want to thank the girl remained seated when everyone stood up, ".... because "intake and this Scheme *** fans have .. then this girl, and even threatened to abuse this and the dissolved! ö_Ö me .. it was soo embarrassing and I also feel guilty that I got up, but my ass is asleep and did ;_;.. much it hurts me very tired! v__v .. thank you Kai and all the other ..>_\u0026lt;.. their respects to the only sensible were
I hope others have learned something from it!
otherwise I just hope the ayabie come back, and that this Scheme *** fans stay at home!
soo to calm me down .. I watch is a great vid ... the music * _ *
all and sorry for the error .. I am bad in German V_V
jaaaaa on 19.5 ... it was so far .. ayabie Group * __ *
jedet I will not detail exactly tell from the Konzi and autograph session .. I will now only complaints * * bleating and thank !
complaint: all j-rock fans will grow up ..!
but it was pure horror on Ayabie! This Schubserei and shoving this ..>___\u0026lt;.. what's this all about?
then during the konzerstes try, all the people who are in the second and first row, to beat up just so to get into the first row Ö__Ö .. which is full inhuman! and then complain that even when given the says or the right beat is even more sick >__\u0026lt;... that!
And Aoi was almost torn to pieces! ..>__\u0026lt;.. .. Damn he is a man, as we believe it he is made of steel and has no feelings .. (that sounds stupid .. but at what should ever xD)
If I were one of Ayabie I would never want to return to Berlin / Germany back!
I want to thank the girl remained seated when everyone stood up, ".... because "intake and this Scheme *** fans have .. then this girl, and even threatened to abuse this and the dissolved! ö_Ö me .. it was soo embarrassing and I also feel guilty that I got up, but my ass is asleep and did ;_;.. much it hurts me very tired! v__v .. thank you Kai and all the other ..>_\u0026lt;.. their respects to the only sensible were
I hope others have learned something from it!
otherwise I just hope the ayabie come back, and that this Scheme *** fans stay at home!
soo to calm me down .. I watch is a great vid ... the music * _ *
all and sorry for the error .. I am bad in German V_V
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Best Shine On Leather
video * _ *
Aural Vampire - Freeeeze!
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waaaah I hope the come back * _ *
Aural Vampire - Freeeeze!
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waaaah I hope the come back * _ *
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Ikusa Otome Suvia 4 Watch
BAAL / Calmando torment and Sisen \u0026lt;3 \u0026lt;3 \u0026lt;3
waaaah .. that was so great *_*..* swarm *
times I tell you everything vn beginning xDD
and also show you some pictures x33
jaaa on that day had TsuTsuu b-day .. I comb to 14:20 in the K17 and I congratulate them and we won as new friends xD
as we saw before us all happy .. from 10 to minutes before inlet to us you said that juvenile under 16 have no access-ö.Ö.. tjaaa and I'm still 15 xDDD
what have we done? my student ID card fake xDDD from 1991 in 1987 .. .. ö_ö awesome right? xDDD
So I was able to clean *_*.. and I was in the first row *_*.. yay .. just before the amp or something xDD and I was right xDDDD TsuTsuu and left .. because she wanted to Hibiki x3
So the first band was the guitarist *_*.. waaaah BAAL .. hehe .. he rocks it has just sat in front of me sit on the amplifier with gespreitzen_@.. legs I had his hand in his shoes, his guitar and his legs touched xDD
YAY then comb Calmando torment
waaah at tak you could see the ass xDDD
he was awesome .. but he wanted to give almost no plek ö.ö
xDDD and Hibiki was awesome xDDD first he scared us all ... he is the amplifier rumgewandelt .. yay doing, I clapped him on the ass, which I think he was cool ö.Ö.. that on the right side of the stage he has the po xDDD
his fans showed he has the finger licked by Kai and then the stage überschmutzige -__-.. was ecklig .. but wützig xD
Waaaah Came Sisen * _ *
he is soooooo süüüß
first He has all the fans signing autographs on stage .. luv \u0026lt;3
and then he hung up the plates and
xDDD soo danced süüüß * _ *
then during the dance he has always thrown us what this example .. a piece of it he has given me personally * _ *
and at the end of the concert, I got his bottle .. where he has been drinking ..* dreaming *
* ________________________*
then at the end was the autograph session .. hehe * _ *
as Sisen from the stage to comb the table (where you were the autographs), we introduced me to him such a conversation:
I: Je t'aime!
Sisen: ö__ö .. je t'aime ... je t'aime
Me: je t'aime!
Sisen: Grien * * * * go to the table full of cute
xDDDD waaah x333
Ahja and when I was in it .. he has my groooßen back sack seen (yes I came from school xD) and ran to me and then we had such a conversation:
Sisen: *
my bag from the bottom betasch *..* something in Japanese chatterbox, like so "is uuui your pocket serious' *
Me: * laughing * had
Are you ok?
Me: yes, i am fine xDD
here some photos and autographs of Sisen: Commentary
Sisen of this picture: waaah Funny nick ..* *
then comb Calmando painful .. just awesome x3
to look like a päärschen, NC; .. so sweet
waaah was so awesome .. I always thought only hrrrr GREAT> 3 \u0026lt;
pour mon amie:
Everyone / each band asked me if I'm doing good .. ö.Ö. .. I then asked me if I look sooo done, that others think I was completely exhausted ... but somehow TsuTsuu just said: maybe it's because of your hand ö.ö ".. what .. I was actually agreed verartztet .. but now the hand is better .. waaah because Sisen x3
Sisen and I've given Mikey Way because of the alien .. x33 .. he is sooo LÜB
so that was the correct v__v
sorry for error> ___
waaaah .. that was so great *_*..* swarm *
times I tell you everything vn beginning xDD
and also show you some pictures x33
jaaa on that day had TsuTsuu b-day .. I comb to 14:20 in the K17 and I congratulate them and we won as new friends xD
as we saw before us all happy .. from 10 to minutes before inlet to us you said that juvenile under 16 have no access-ö.Ö.. tjaaa and I'm still 15 xDDD
what have we done? my student ID card fake xDDD from 1991 in 1987 .. .. ö_ö awesome right? xDDD
So I was able to clean *_*.. and I was in the first row *_*.. yay .. just before the amp or something xDD and I was right xDDDD TsuTsuu and left .. because she wanted to Hibiki x3
So the first band was the guitarist *_*.. waaaah BAAL .. hehe .. he rocks it has just sat in front of me sit on the amplifier with gespreitzen_@.. legs I had his hand in his shoes, his guitar and his legs touched xDD
YAY then comb Calmando torment
waaah at tak you could see the ass xDDD
he was awesome .. but he wanted to give almost no plek ö.ö
xDDD and Hibiki was awesome xDDD first he scared us all ... he is the amplifier rumgewandelt .. yay doing, I clapped him on the ass, which I think he was cool ö.Ö.. that on the right side of the stage he has the po xDDD
his fans showed he has the finger licked by Kai and then the stage überschmutzige -__-.. was ecklig .. but wützig xD
Waaaah Came Sisen * _ *
he is soooooo süüüß
first He has all the fans signing autographs on stage .. luv \u0026lt;3
and then he hung up the plates and
xDDD soo danced süüüß * _ *
* ________________________*
then at the end was the autograph session .. hehe * _ *
as Sisen from the stage to comb the table (where you were the autographs), we introduced me to him such a conversation:
I: Je t'aime!
Sisen: ö__ö .. je t'aime ... je t'aime
Me: je t'aime!
Sisen: Grien * * * * go to the table full of cute
xDDDD waaah x333
Ahja and when I was in it .. he has my groooßen back sack seen (yes I came from school xD) and ran to me and then we had such a conversation:
Sisen: *
my bag from the bottom betasch *..* something in Japanese chatterbox, like so "is uuui your pocket serious' *
Me: * laughing * had
Are you ok?
Me: yes, i am fine xDD
here some photos and autographs of Sisen: Commentary
then comb Calmando painful .. just awesome x3
waaah was so awesome .. I always thought only hrrrr GREAT> 3 \u0026lt;
pour mon amie:
Everyone / each band asked me if I'm doing good .. ö.Ö. .. I then asked me if I look sooo done, that others think I was completely exhausted ... but somehow TsuTsuu just said: maybe it's because of your hand ö.ö ".. what .. I was actually agreed verartztet .. but now the hand is better .. waaah because Sisen x3
Sisen and I've given Mikey Way because of the alien .. x33 .. he is sooo LÜB
so that was the correct v__v
sorry for error> ___
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