Since the last post, I was already productive and I have two socks zumidnest 3 / 4 finished and of a third pair even almost a whole! So many socks I had never been on the needles. And what's to blame? Ravelry of course. This month it was equal to 2 Mystery Sock KAL. And then of course the constant of the tog-group.
What such a mystery KAL is? So you get the entire book at once knows, not how the whole sock, or the object looks like at the end. When the socks are each week a "clue" words another part of the manual. Well, 3 weeks in March are around, so 3 / 4 done;). Here are the two plants in spring colors:
first Mystery sock the SKA group (Sock Knitters Anonymous):
The real color is somewhere in between. It is a real Granny Smith apple green.
This month is the subject of lace, one sees the pattern. A very very nice pattern and the way it looks harder than it is.
second Mystery of the Solid Socks Socks Group:
The Sunny I have baptized - why?!
Here: lace, however, a geometric pattern. Both
Socks are knitted with wool from active Since I have me as a reward for the tests give yourself something * * hüstl yarn.
What sockiges is not even finished, a piece of 50g Malabrigo silky merino in the color loro Barranquero. A ZigZag
Cowl for a Ravelry Guide. Just like that, is very soft and warm.
And the second is almost at the ready, I'll start it tomorrow, then I'm on the trip to Dortmund, which in the hands and also to a circular knitting needle, the risk of stabbing is slightly lower;). Yes, the second is then made from light yellow wool for Mama, who has seen my found him as an actor and wanted one too. Even the same Pattern.
This first piece of good pictures (the Cowl):
images come from the third pair of socks after completion. Everyone says the always toe-up socks would have the advantage that they could try better during knitting. I see it the other way, for me that goes with socks cuff down noticeably easier. For my