Saturday, January 31, 2009

Flat Diamond Guys Earrings

movie: Boy meets Boy

Titel: Boy meets Boy (sonyeon,sonyeoneul manada)
Jahr: 2008
Herkunft: Korea
Darsteller: Kim Hye Seong; Lee Hyeon Jin


Ein Junge sitzt in einem Schulbus und macht sich Notizen aus einem Buch. Seine Haltestelle ist scheinbar nah, denn er beginnt seine Sachen einzupacken. Dabei fällt eine kleine Filmdose aus seiner Schultasche. Sie rollt den Gang along, from his feet in front of white sport shoes. The bus stops, people get in. The slope of the bottom plate is changing, the can rolls back. Relieved, the boy will grab it, because the bus with a jerk. And again, the box is on the way to the white sports shoes. The boy who dares to the legs along the top to see. The other boy suddenly turns his head and looks right at him. Startled, he looked away.

So begins the Korean short film "Boy Meets Boy," the gerademal good ten minutes and without any words manages. Only captures with music and images, gestures and glances and the way the camera, the gifts, the film tells a cute little story. The film is on one side of saccharine, on the other, again a slight angle. It is this mixture ensures that "Boy Meets Boy" has become wonderfully charming. It's nice to see what is (almost) can do without language (even if the actors have for my taste in some places a little too exaggerated).

me of a clear recommendation for this film.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

What Makeup Brushes Are Used For

book: Maggie Stiefvater: Lament

A book that I read in the end of last year yet. I would especially recommend [info] nox_ima watching triple times the book because it is a nice alternative to Stephenie Meyer's novels. ;)


There are more romantic place than the school toilet to get to know the man his life. But the seventeen year old Deirdre Monaghan's just that it is a talented musician, takes part in competitions and performs with her harp at weddings and anniversaries. Each time it has previously so bad Stage fright that she has to vomit. But on this day she again before a Talentwettberwerb overcome the nausea and she flees to the bathroom, is suddenly the mysterious hatch, who tells her, and gives her confidence for her performance . Although Deirdre has never met him, she knows him from the strange dreams that haunt them at night again.

starts From then on Deirdre's life to change dramatically: They always finds the most unlikely places clover leaves, she encounters strange characters, from the seem to originate another world and discovers that she begins to develop psychic powers themselves. The hauntingly beautiful and cruel, playful nature of the Irish fairy world seem to actually exist and Deirdre is one of the few people who are able to see them.

As Deirdre fell in love with Luke, the situation is even more difficult for the young man hides a dark secret. What is the relationship it has with the fairies, the show suddenly a strange and forbidding interest in Deirdre? Can Luke trust them at all?


Stephenie Meyer takes you care, here's Maggie Stiefvater! That was what came into my mind when I read the first 50 pages of "Lament".

Actually I like those comparisons, but here I can not help it, for "Lament", although thematically and substantively only partly similar, in principle, what also was "Twilight": a fantastic first teen tearjerker goodness.

I particularly like the idea of the Irish legends to choose as a motive for the novel very good. It was nice to meet old friends such as Thomas the Bard and the fairies not to do as good, spherical shapes, but as a wily creature with a cruel childlike playfulness. Deirdre is a musician and music that certainly plays a role in the novel that completes the picture and forms a beautiful atmospheric setting for the action.

The plot of "Lament" is good (better than that of "Twilight" by the way). The story has surprising twists and bind the necessary tragic revelations to the reader. Such is the love between Deirdre and Luke almost heartbreakingly hopeless.

The deadline is the author managed well and a sequel will follow though, you can read the book as a single novel, for it is not plagued with a cliffhanger.

Now for the things that are not quite like me. Sometimes, I lacked the emotional depth, some things I could not just sympathize. And not always are the decisions and actions of the figures to understand.

Deirdre has also, unfortunately, quite a "Mary Sue" approaches. She is talented, but rather the misunderstood loner and of course she is actually a really great person. Out of the blue she develops telekinetic and telepathic powers. Although it is explained why she has these powers, but they usually develops exactly the appropriate moment so that the writer she once or twice used quite inelegant to have the protagonist find things they really do not can know.

missing Basically the book come back a few pages to go into some aspects, because the story has to be absolute potential that remains untapped.

I liked the book despite the flaws well and I expect with voltage, which writes the author and whether or not they still get rid of the weaknesses of their debut. Who is "Twilight" might, should give this book to a chance. The expected female youthful audience loved it anyway. All others must decide whether fantasy is with a strong early love her cause.

the way the English edition is very nicely decorated. It has almost the size of a trade-paperbacks, is printed on fairly good paper and in front of each section has a black and white illustration. The German edition will be published mid-year Knaur in the adult program (missing places, this is a youth book!) and funny white Faeirie Queen was translated as "Fairy Queen" ... Do I understand this?