Can someone tell me ...
... why you if you at night with the train home runs while reading a book, always chat up men? A book in his hand seems to magically attract idiots? Why not look for the one of the rigged Tussen, with cleavage down to the navel and mini skirt, which are by the time the move ... -_-
way, I realized that it is stupid to vergucken to-night at the suburban trains. I was invited by a friend and I have written to me that is 1:23 for the penultimate track. It was 1:43, so I then end up with a half hour at a train station somewhere in no man's land and I have sat was a little queasy. Not to say that I train on my connection then had to wait another 35 minutes. -_-So I only came home at 3:00, although I had worked all day and was just dead tired ... The next time I would sooner cancel the tents, even when the evening is so nice ...
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Effects On Someone With Dyslexia
20th December 16th
"computing te for animals? - Non us with "
For 15. 11th 2008, we n to a Demon substrate ion under the motto "Anim al Liber ation - ESCAD a from the Pelzh andel kick n "set call where more than 500 Tierb EFREI ungsa ktivi St_ inside involved advantaged n. For discussed ssion provides en trials surface of Neona zis the Demon substrate ion to instr DOCUMENT eren Alisi .
to this n Instr DOCUMENT Alisi TION sver in claims 'd en we hierm it manipulated TRAINING relationship Hen :
Selbs terna nnte "Nati tional video active ists" had n on its Inter nets ite in the prefabrication ld for our e Antis pe- demo advertising Tromm el rt gerüh . Of these could n they also our e expr ückli che Auffo rderu ng this to let it n, not Deterring ten. meantime between have this Neona zis on its Web ite with a video image rn from the demo published fentl maybe, and a short n Text, the believing en do n should Hen Human Being Shou " no matter what he and several political n exclaimed Chtun g "would n here peaceful changer in elsei tiger acceptance dance" given n Perve rsion and Tierq uäler ei "demon dustry rt.
plays very abges assumed that the demo does not against "animal torture rei" (as a special form DERS schli mmer Tiera usbeu tung) and already not against 'n Perv ersio "report ete, sonde rn against the pre ellun g , Hen Human Being Shou would n a howsoever salutation Raft s right animals to use n, acceptance of dancing and Toler num can not by organ Isato r_ inside nor by the Group members contractor _ inside the Demon substrate ion are discussed. That Neona zis were on our demo he not Adjust to de deleted and not patiently det would would n n had we prepared n ts in prefabrication ld ktkun and also on the Aufta dgebu ng on Alexa nderp bib Deutler I GEMAC ht. Several persons re NEN, the strains from Neona zizus hang n bekan are nt, try want Denno ch at the demo involved time and was n clean ts short time after em the Demon substrate ionsz ug moving had laws TRAINING nt , erkan nt and referred the demo esen. She had try n cht in the demo einzu series n and this filtered mt. The recently published fentl eights n Video Posts Aege show n aussc hließ Lich on Na Begin by hmen n the Demon substrate ion and try to mix the image Chen Shake the that Neona zis no Probl eme Fare t would n, on a substrate Demon the Tierb ion EFREI ungsb ewegu to involved ng time .
Us is the political sized exclaimed Chtun the Human Being Shou g Hen, the NEN our s actions Group members ake and for our shareholders e Werbu NEN ng do n not matter. We Agier s not under the head Prucher "Haupers e tsach for the animals." We are fighting for a en befre Gesel lscha ite ft and report to us en Gesel lscha ftlic he In press ungsv receive tnisse e. table with national Nalis en Grupp ierun gene and Human Being Shou Hen, the racial stisc hey, antis emit Scheme or sexism table e Posit ion tolerated eten, we will not n together Monar BOTH n. Derar term Denkf ormen is it just for us thus beka pfen like the one in the Gesel lscha ft anchored kert n Spezi esism us.
For Befr boy of Human Being Shou h and animals!
http: / / antis pedem o- berli n. tk
For 15.
to this
plays very abges
Us is the political
For Befr
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Methylene Blue Discus Breeding
December - 2
New Year demonstration for freedom and privacy, and against excessive government surveillance .
start: 31 December 2008 14:00 Hamburg / Mönckebergstr.
Working Group on Data Retention
http://www. data retention. de
information stands every Saturday from 11:00
clock at the main station (HH)
Sylvester demonstration for freedom and privacy
and against excessive state surveillance.
start: 31 December 2008 14:00 Hamburg / Mönckebergstr.
on 09.11.2007, Members of the CDU, CSU and SPD voting against the retention of the opposition finally adopted.
all providers of communication services (telephone, Internet, Email Provider etc.) must, without a specific suspicion, in future keep all traffic and location data of their users for at least six months for public access available. These include the assigned Internet addresses (IP), all mail contacts and the information when we have phoned whom from where. These data retention meets all innocent 80 million citizens in Germany, as criminals and terrorists can easily circumvent them. The high volumes of data and their storage burden on Internet service providers with high costs, which will lead to an increase in the cost of Internet access. The evaluation of the many law enforcement related data overload and its capacity is not fully responsible for the crime are available.
against the data retention is already sued by the AK-retention in the Constitutional Court. Many believe that data retention violates the Basic Law and human rights.
Nevertheless, our federal government has approved the data retention, against the obvious by many organizations had urged breaches of the law. Thus they imposed on telecommunications companies in Germany high costs, although it is foreseeable that the retention will be explained most likely unconstitutional.
for the storage of Internet addresses and email contacts, there was a transitional arrangement until the end of 2008. The sad result is therefore the full implementation of data retention at 01 Jan. 2009. grant
online searches
order the state secret access to stored data (contacts, correspondence, chat transcripts, visited web pages), state investigators over the Internet undetected spyware ("Federal Trojan" ) auf Firmen- und Privatrechner einschleusen.
Am 25.04.2007 wurde bekannt, dass solche verdeckten Online-Durchsuchungen bereits seit 2005 auf Anordnung Otto Schilys durchgeführt werden, obwohl sie vom Grundgesetz und der Strafprozessordnung nicht gedeckt sind. In der Großen Koalition wurde daher versucht, über das neue BKA-Gesetz eine gesetzliche Grundlage für Online-Durchsuchungen zu schaffen. Jede Datei auf allen Computern in Deutschland, und sei sie noch so geheim und privat, kann somit gelesen werden, ohne dass der Benutzer dies überhaupt bemerkt.
Der AK-Vorratsdatenspeicherung ist der Meinung, dass Daten die im geheimen beschafft werden, auch im geheimen manipuliert can be. In the Federal Trojan acquired data can subsequently determine whether or not an expert in everything these data as actually present on the target computers were.
We must not wait until the struggle for freedom is called treason
- Erich Kästner -
It is high time to interfere!
If so ALL the
demonstration for freedom and privacy, and against excessive state surveillance.
start: 31 December 2008 14:00
Hamburg / Mönckebergstr.
New Year demonstration for freedom and privacy, and against excessive government surveillance .
start: 31 December 2008 14:00 Hamburg / Mönckebergstr.
Working Group on Data Retention
http://www. data retention. de
information stands every Saturday from 11:00
clock at the main station (HH)
Sylvester demonstration for freedom and privacy
and against excessive state surveillance.
start: 31 December 2008 14:00 Hamburg / Mönckebergstr.
on 09.11.2007, Members of the CDU, CSU and SPD voting against the retention of the opposition finally adopted.
all providers of communication services (telephone, Internet, Email Provider etc.) must, without a specific suspicion, in future keep all traffic and location data of their users for at least six months for public access available. These include the assigned Internet addresses (IP), all mail contacts and the information when we have phoned whom from where. These data retention meets all innocent 80 million citizens in Germany, as criminals and terrorists can easily circumvent them. The high volumes of data and their storage burden on Internet service providers with high costs, which will lead to an increase in the cost of Internet access. The evaluation of the many law enforcement related data overload and its capacity is not fully responsible for the crime are available.
against the data retention is already sued by the AK-retention in the Constitutional Court. Many believe that data retention violates the Basic Law and human rights.
Nevertheless, our federal government has approved the data retention, against the obvious by many organizations had urged breaches of the law. Thus they imposed on telecommunications companies in Germany high costs, although it is foreseeable that the retention will be explained most likely unconstitutional.
for the storage of Internet addresses and email contacts, there was a transitional arrangement until the end of 2008. The sad result is therefore the full implementation of data retention at 01 Jan. 2009. grant
online searches
order the state secret access to stored data (contacts, correspondence, chat transcripts, visited web pages), state investigators over the Internet undetected spyware ("Federal Trojan" ) auf Firmen- und Privatrechner einschleusen.
Am 25.04.2007 wurde bekannt, dass solche verdeckten Online-Durchsuchungen bereits seit 2005 auf Anordnung Otto Schilys durchgeführt werden, obwohl sie vom Grundgesetz und der Strafprozessordnung nicht gedeckt sind. In der Großen Koalition wurde daher versucht, über das neue BKA-Gesetz eine gesetzliche Grundlage für Online-Durchsuchungen zu schaffen. Jede Datei auf allen Computern in Deutschland, und sei sie noch so geheim und privat, kann somit gelesen werden, ohne dass der Benutzer dies überhaupt bemerkt.
Der AK-Vorratsdatenspeicherung ist der Meinung, dass Daten die im geheimen beschafft werden, auch im geheimen manipuliert can be. In the Federal Trojan acquired data can subsequently determine whether or not an expert in everything these data as actually present on the target computers were.
We must not wait until the struggle for freedom is called treason
- Erich Kästner -
It is high time to interfere!
If so ALL the
demonstration for freedom and privacy, and against excessive state surveillance.
start: 31 December 2008 14:00
Hamburg / Mönckebergstr.
38 Tooth Sprocket Cad Model
16th December 5th
13.12. In the victory celebrations on the championship from Brazilian club Santos, a police officer a fan accidentally shot in the head. The policeman was arrested, the fan died! RIP
When he strikes with a weapon on an unarmed and naked soccer fan, can dissolve a shot from his service weapon! As you can see, the death of football fans is pointless, he raises his arms to give to these are the last seconds of his life.
He is killed by mistake by the hand of a policeman!
13.12. In the victory celebrations on the championship from Brazilian club Santos, a police officer a fan accidentally shot in the head. The policeman was arrested, the fan died! RIP
When he strikes with a weapon on an unarmed and naked soccer fan, can dissolve a shot from his service weapon! As you can see, the death of football fans is pointless, he raises his arms to give to these are the last seconds of his life.
He is killed by mistake by the hand of a policeman!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Tobradex For Cold Sore
second Advent Saturday in the not quite so mad Weihanachtswahnsinn
I will never never give someone the order of the Twilight series have to explain (and that Twilight the English title of "Bis (s) on the morning is * headdesk *). I have a feeling that I had done nothing else all day at work. (Like really the last weeks) I like the first book, I stand by. And I hate the last one because it is simply bad. But what is slow me completely refrain from writer and this book can be unbearable hype that is now held. Why does something always so degenerate? Eventually, they of what they once did only kill annoying ... -_-
The customers were either very sweet or very rude. (One of many variations: "Where do they have music books?" "Good day, we have the second floor" "And where there?" * * Unfriendly anschnautz; get a reply. turn around and leave without a "thank you and goodbye").
Only one customer was really tiring.
Points to the series of books by an author. "How is it, have you read that?"
Me: "No, I'm sorry. But I have read other series by the author of "He
." Yes, I've also read. Is because the "do * back on the series, which I did not just read
* Me:" just like the others? As I said, I have not read "
He lets me. five minutes away to work and then return.
"Maybe you can even recommend me something?"
Me: "Yes, like what they read like that?"
He points to another book: "That, you read that "
Me:" I have read some of it, "he
." And, they do not like "I
:" Yes, it just takes time to develop the book itself, so I first stopped, but I will definitely read "He
." Yes? I've read in a train. Then perhaps you can recommend me anything, you have apparently not the same taste as me, "
Me: * WTF ????*" That must now decide whether you want I recommend you something. "
He then lowered to allow themselves to recommend something that has my proposal (Carol Berg's Tor of transformation "), but not seen, but pretty much everything I have said critical comments in order to then come to the conclusion that I probably do not be the same way as he read fantasy of swishing and departed thence.
And Honestly, I am sure that with what he has said what he likes, the Carol Berg would have been perfect for him, if it had once condescended to listen to me .
The other lady in the morning was also great. Can I recommend books, and then pulls out a pad and pen to write down the title, only to "Look up at Amazon" home. Well let great to recommend in the book store and order from Amazon ... -_-
I will never never give someone the order of the Twilight series have to explain (and that Twilight the English title of "Bis (s) on the morning is * headdesk *). I have a feeling that I had done nothing else all day at work. (Like really the last weeks) I like the first book, I stand by. And I hate the last one because it is simply bad. But what is slow me completely refrain from writer and this book can be unbearable hype that is now held. Why does something always so degenerate? Eventually, they of what they once did only kill annoying ... -_-
The customers were either very sweet or very rude. (One of many variations: "Where do they have music books?" "Good day, we have the second floor" "And where there?" * * Unfriendly anschnautz; get a reply. turn around and leave without a "thank you and goodbye").
Only one customer was really tiring.
Points to the series of books by an author. "How is it, have you read that?"
Me: "No, I'm sorry. But I have read other series by the author of "He
." Yes, I've also read. Is because the "do * back on the series, which I did not just read
* Me:" just like the others? As I said, I have not read "
He lets me. five minutes away to work and then return.
"Maybe you can even recommend me something?"
Me: "Yes, like what they read like that?"
He points to another book: "That, you read that "
Me:" I have read some of it, "he
." And, they do not like "I
:" Yes, it just takes time to develop the book itself, so I first stopped, but I will definitely read "He
." Yes? I've read in a train. Then perhaps you can recommend me anything, you have apparently not the same taste as me, "
Me: * WTF ????*" That must now decide whether you want I recommend you something. "
He then lowered to allow themselves to recommend something that has my proposal (Carol Berg's Tor of transformation "), but not seen, but pretty much everything I have said critical comments in order to then come to the conclusion that I probably do not be the same way as he read fantasy of swishing and departed thence.
And Honestly, I am sure that with what he has said what he likes, the Carol Berg would have been perfect for him, if it had once condescended to listen to me .
The other lady in the morning was also great. Can I recommend books, and then pulls out a pad and pen to write down the title, only to "Look up at Amazon" home. Well let great to recommend in the book store and order from Amazon ... -_-
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