I sit at home on pc and I find it only so> __ \u0026lt;
my eyes hurt tuen and I do not know why .. it feels as if someone at your eyes very easily with a needle pixen ;__;.. so you have to cry almost ...>___\u0026lt;.. argh
I sit and learn math and math__@... I'm starting to dream even pay> _ \u0026lt;
someone tell me why cosine is an expanded set of Pythagoras? ö__Ö
I have not figured out Nocht >___\u0026lt;
I watched soon and finally with all the tests done .. and on Thursday morning only math Russian >__\u0026lt;.. orally and then Pirates of the Caribbean 3 as a reward. D. I Looking forward to it
I hope will be my Prüfungsegebnisse / are good .. if not, then there even more stress on the mother ..;__;.. I can already visualize myself ... no internet and up to 12 clock evening with math, physics, chemistry, French, English, German terrible book in hand ;__;.. >.\u0026lt;.. then the government has begun by my mother so she can not do anything right ... why it has to make such a bloody torture .. Finally, they wanted to be a general Ö_Ö .. .. terrible> __ \u0026lt;
I hope the test is easy to think >___\u0026lt;
* positive *
currently my best friend xD